Walking into a new and brighter life.

Walking into a new and brighter life.

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This I know.................

This I know.................

Friday, June 17, 2011

A relaxing trip

We had such a nice time in Bend.  I love the little city and being able to spend time there with my brother is just a bonus. 

Tuesday we drove up to the area we spread Mom's ashes and hiked up to the spot.  I climbed easily.  That is not to say I didn't stop and rest a few times to catch my breath on the way up, but I did better than I thought I would have.

Her ashes were scattered here because her brother was also here.  They were so close.  And, frankly... my step father didn't have a clue what to do.  Enough of talking about him... it just sours my mood. 
The tree where we scattered her ashes beneath is a beautiful dead snag (if you appreciate things like that) that leans out over a awesome canyon and also is in full view of the Three Sisters Mountains near Bend.

The plaques on the tree are there for Mom, her brother and his wife.
There is a hanging angel below the plaques with bells that ring in the wind.

A Terracotta angel lays beneath the tree

A portion of the Three Sisters that are the backdrop of bend.  One mountain didn't make it into frame.

We had a great time.  It never is long enough and it's always sad to say goodbye to my brother.  We promised to get together again near the end of summer.

I ate WAY too much.  The food was great but I didn't watch any calories consumed during the trip.  I ate macaroni and cheese with Fontina, Asiago and white cheddar cheese... OMG... every bite was a guilty pleasure!

Like every outing or trip this one took planning.  We had to go and pick up 12 oxygen canisters, pack up my home concentrator and bring extra cannula's.  As it was we got to the hotel room and brought in the concentrator only to realize that I forgot the adapter that connects the cannula to the tubing from the concentrator.  So... Bill being the fix it guy he is used a pen and some duct tape and made it work.  LOL  Give a guy duct tape and he can fix anything!!

Anyway... I had a great trip, got to spend some quality time with my brother, and got to enjoy the town of Bend.  Now it's time to get back on track.
It's nice to be home.

Now that we are back home I am spending the next 4 days eating nothing but fruits and veggies.  I need to kick start my weight loss again.  I know I ate too much of the wrong food because my hands and feet swelled from the salt, and my pants got a little snug from all the fattening food.

I have my trampoline back out and will begin to use it as soon as I finish this blog and get back into exercise too.  I have been slacking in all areas of good health for over a month now.  It really does take work and consistency to maintain a healthy body. 
For us with Copd we just need to figure out ways to exercise that works for us.  I think everyone is different as to what they can personally handle and how far they can push themselves. 
I know from experience I need to listen to my body and see the signs of over-exertion.  The first sign of my chest tightening and burning I need to stop.  If I push on (which I have in the past) then I am unable to do much of anything for the next 3 or 4 days.

It's frustrating to live in a body where the mind is willing to push forward but the body is telling you to stop.  Like anything else associated with Copd we need to learn what works for us, to be aware of our limitations and to accept smaller goals.

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