Walking into a new and brighter life.

Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

The healthy me

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This I know.................

This I know.................

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A bad weigh in, but new determination

Weigh in today.  I won't beat around the bush... I gained 5 pounds.  I looked over all my food logs and I can't figure it out.  I knew I would not have another week like last week... but I had NO idea it would be 5 pounds!  I know prior to last weeks weigh in I had been in the hospital and then had that terrible intestinal bug... so I was pretty cleaned out.
Now, I am back to the constipation.  I am wondering if that can put that much weight on me??

At any rate... I am taking fiber pills now, drinking 4-16oz glasses of water  (today) and I am making sure I have plenty of fruits and veggies with every meal.  To me 5 pounds is just ridiculous!  I just renewed my bodybugg online subscription for 6 months... and by that time if I can stick to this darned plan I should be at goal.  Of course this ping-pong gaining and losing is not helping me.

I am hoping with Spring approaching and being able to get outside I can stay focused. 

Tonight about an hour ago (8:30) I started having those pains in my chest.  Right square in the center.  It has since gone... but it hit and made itself known right away.  It is the first one I have had since the last time I was in the emergency room. 

I have an appointment to see a Cardiologist on the 1st of June.  I am hoping he says everything is fine and there is nothing to worry about with your rapid heart rate.  Crossing my fingers.


Sarah Renner said...

Constipation can def. make you gain weight. Isaak deals with that all the time and its awful, you might try Miralax....its a OTC med and it works the best. Sorry I didnt make it over last week, we ended up going to lunch and then shopping until I was to exhausted. Hope your doing well....love ya!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah... It's O.K. I figured something came up. I am doing all I can to keep the weight off. Some days are harder than others. Especially.. Like Mothers Day, I give myself an excuse to eat. Shame on me! Love you too