I went in for a sleep study not long ago. My Pulmonologist ordered it, to check my oxygen saturation levels at night, and my breathing. The results of that nights sleep resulted in my oxygen concentrator at home with me now, but it showed I didn't have sleep apnea. It did show that I woke up 19 times due to restless leg syndrome. For years I had told my doctors I had problems with my legs. It started not long after I had my first back surgery. My legs when I would sit for a period of time, would feel like someone stuck an electrode into them. I HAD TO MOVE them! It would be miserable on an airplane for more than 2 hours, or a long car ride.
So I was put on medication for RLS (restless leg syndrome). The medication is so new that it is not covered by my insurance (of course!) and it's quite expensive. I got online and checked with the pharmaceutical company to see if they had any programs, but they don't. I just cringe when I go get it filled every month. What cracks me up are the possible side effect and precautions.......
May cause... drowsiness, sudden sleep, obsessive behavior. Strong sexual urge, compulsive behavior... gambling, eating, cleaning... kind of attention grabbing side effects. I have none of the side effects and it really does work.
It's amazing to me that it would wake me up so often. I had no idea. I haven't really been able to tell much of a difference if I am more rested or not. But that could have something to do with the steroids too. LoL Notice I blame everything on the steroids? LOL
I mentioned that I joined Weight Watchers a while ago. I am having a hard time following the program this time. I know why. When I quit smoking 9 months ago I did it cold turkey. I had to quit. I think I quit smoking by substituting food for nicotine. Obviously that's why I have gained so much weight. About 25 pounds since June. I do fine all day until from about 5:00 until I go to bed, then all I want to do is eat. It's amazing how much time was taken up smoking, now I am looking for something to put in my mouth.
I just wish I would have realized when I quit smoking what I was doing. I think giving up my food cravings are just as tough as the smoking. Well, Maybe not as tough, but close!
So, in the words of every struggling dieter out there..... I will do my best to lose weight slowly and along the way begin to eat more healthy. I just hate to think about going to the meetings on Tuesday and getting on that scale. It is very humbling to get on the scale and have it show you gained weight!
I promise, gain... lose or remain the same I'll let you know how I am doing. I am hoping that with the coming of Spring maybe a little extra exercise can do nothing but help!

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Sunday, February 21, 2010
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Its funny do you live with the side effects or your legs kicking all night. I think getting a good nite rest is important for our bodies. Without a good nite sleep it will be hard to control body weight.
I wouldn't mind the "cleaning" side affect. The house would be spotless then. HA~!
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