The last two days Bill has been showing the symptoms of a cold. Why is it men can't handle the common cold? I don't bitch that much when I have surgery!
I am trying to walk around after him and bleach wipe everything. I the last couple days have had the stomach flu. Which is really odd for me because usually it is the opposite and my medication leaves me constipated. This sounds ridiculous to those who aren't on lifetime medications... but even though I have diarrhea I am still taking my doses of laxatives twice a day. The last time I had the stomach flu I quit taking the laxatives and within 3 days I was suffering from constipation. So...
I went to Walmart today. I got my nails done and it's the only store that sells our vacuum bags with Fabreeze in them and the hepa thing. Now that I have Copd and my breathing is worsening each time I use the vacuum I change the bag. It lessons the dog hair and dander. I vacuum about every other day... so you can imagine that I keep the vacuum bag people in business. Any way... (boy did I get side tracked), I was walking through looking around and my stomach flu "hit" me. I had about 4 things left on my list, but it was CLEAR across the store. I began walking as fast as I could and got those 4 items. Got into the shortest line I could find and prayed!
I made it home and suddenly didn't have to go anymore???!!!! How does that happen? Sooner or later it caught up with me though.
We took Priscilla to the Vet this morning and I made the appointment for her to be spayed December 2nd. I really gave it some thought about letting her have a litter of puppies. And, I had good homes for them. But, there was a risk to her and I just felt it wasn't worth it to risk losing her for puppies.
While at the Vet she found a hole in her "haunch" just above her thigh, but not exactly on her side or back. Seems as though one of our dogs got pissy with her and bit her, which is NOT O.K. with me.
I know having 3 females in the house there has to be a pecking order, and I know the dogs will work out a higher Archy. I just don't want them fighting. Neither Bill nor I saw them fight so it had to be quick and no hard feelings, because we saw no difference in the way they react to each other. We'll just have to keep a close eye.
It wasn't bad enough for stitches. I am just taking a wash cloth soaked with Epsom's salts water on it and clean it to make sure it won't get infected.
It is almost 10:00 and that is about my bedtime. By the time I take all my meds and get Priscilla in bed it takes about a half hour. I have a feeling it won't take me long to drift off tonight.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
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