I have been neglecting this blog lately. I need to get better. I need to quit repeating myself over and over again in my blogs. I am getting sick of myself.
My weigh in today was .2 pounds I gained. Remember, I did not go last week so considering my total lack of trying that is not bad.
It is by no means acceptable though and I will do better. I have had enough of my depression and dark moods. I will pull myself up by my boot straps or bra straps or whatever it takes.
In the mail today came a request for medical information from a doctor whom I had no idea who he was???? So, I called my insurance company wondering if they had put through a referral and as it turned out.. yes.
My appointment is for December 13th and it is to discuss removing my uterus, or putting netting in to hold up my bladder, or just removing the cyst that continues to grow. I was so busy concentrating on my weight gain and depression that I forgot to mention that. That and they found a spot on my breast (same one that was biopsied before) that they will watch and see if a chunk needs to be taken off of it, or just removed.
We'll cross that bridge when the time comes.
I am tired again tonight. Brittney has 2 tests tomorrow and she needed to study, so I picked up Layla after school and fed her and helped her with her homework. Britt just left with her about a half hour ago. I have taken medication early tonight.
Priscilla is already sleeping in the doorway to my bedroom just in case I forget to get her.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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it is hard to discounted the result that the Enjoy movements has had on open discussion worldwide.
Somehow my comments are being deleted, so I guess my input isn't valued....I wish you the best in your life, thank you for all you have given me...I will no longer be posting comments.
Savannah... I am not deleting your comments. I cherish and look forward to each one you leave. I know I don't always comment. It's been kind of a struggle for me lately even to blog.
Your input is always valued to me. (((Hugs to you)))
I understand, Kellie....I think I was looking at one of your posts that I thought I commented on..etc., etc., I still check on you, and just made a comment to one of your earlier posts..Forgive me for being "oversensitive"..it's not you, it's me, and life has been really hard (but good :)
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