Diagnosed Individuals
Being diagnosed with COPD may mean changing a few things in your lifestyle so you can live a healthier and active life. It’s best if you talk to your doctor and follow the plan he/she outlines for you. Although the cure for COPD hasn’t been found yet, there are many things you can do to help slow the progression of your COPD.
Below you’ll find information about some of the challenges and changes many COPDers face. You can click on the options in the bulleted list to skip to a specific section. But before beginning a new treatment option, remember to talk to your doctor.
•Quitting Smoking
•Healthy and Active Living
•Air Quality in Your Home
•Taking Medicines
•Pulmonary Rehab
•Anxiety and Depression
Quitting Smoking: What Can I Do?
If you’re currently a smoker, the most important thing you can do to slow the progression of your COPD is to quit smoking now! Smoking can cause your COPD to worsen more quickly than if you were to stop smoking. It’s also important for your environment to be smoke-free. This means you should avoid being in the company of other people who smoke.
There are many options available to help you quit smoking. Options include gums, patches, and prescription medicine among others. You can find more information from the U.S. Government about the steps you can take to quit smoking by visiting the Smokefree.gov website.
I have belonged to THE BEST support site for quitting smoking. There you will find people in all stages of quitting. We have members who have 2+ years of being smoke free, and we have those who are just beginning. The members have used all types of ways to quit to be successful. I quit cold turkey, others use the gum, others the patch. Please if you are smoking.. come join us, read some blogs and ask for support.
The website is called Friends Helping Friends... here is the address...
Healthy and Active Living
For every COPDer, it’s important to keep an active lifestyle. By being physically active, you’re helping both your mind and body. Your COPD may restrict some of the activities you used to do, but it shouldn’t stop you from doing many other things. And keeping your body active, either by exercising or in pulmonary rehabilitation, you’re improving your lung function and state of mind. Your doctor or respiratory therapist can help find the best routine for you and give you the encouragement you need.
Try to maintain a healthy weight. Based on your doctor’s recommendation, you may need to gain or lose weight. Heavier individuals may find it easier to breathe if they lose some weight, and lighter individuals may need to gain weight so they don’t lose too much weight during an exacerbation. Talk to your doctor about what your ideal weight should be and design a reasonable weekly exercise regimen so you can work towards your goal. It also doesn’t hurt to eat healthy snacks and drink lots of water.
Avoid germs at home and during outings. Wash your hands often, and avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose. This helps prevent spreading germs into your body.
Rearrange your home. Put the objects you use the most in easy-to-reach places. You can also purchase many useful products that will help make moving around much easier for you, such as shower stools. These products and gadgets can help make some tasks much easier for you, and if basic tasks take less effort, you will be able to do more things you enjoy!
Other useful tips for healthy living include:
•Get plenty of sleep. When your body is tired, you’re more likely to get sick.
•Avoid getting fatigued by doing a little at a time. Take your time, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
•Call your doctor at the first sign of a cold. It’s good to keep your doctor informed of any changes you experience.
•Stay busy. Pick up a new hobby. It’s never too late to start something new!
•Learn all you can about COPD! Talk to other COPDers and become educated so you can take charge.
Air Quality in Your Home: It Matters
The air you breathe can have a profound impact on your health, and indoor air can sometimes be more polluted than outdoor air. Since most people spend the majority of their time indoors, the quality of your indoor air is vital to your well-being. There are a variety of actions you can take to improve the quality of the air that you breathe in your home.
The three major threats in a home, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, are allergens, irritants, and dangerous chemicals. Allergens can cause a response from your immune system and they come from pollen, dust mites, and pets. Irritants won’t necessarily cause your immune system to react but can include volatile organic compounds that can make breathing more difficult. Common indoor air irritants include chemicals used in the painting, finishing, or staining of new furniture. Polyurethanes in paints, strong pesticides, tobacco smoke, and chemicals in cleaning products are irritants as well. Sometimes these chemicals have odors that you can detect but sometimes they don’t. Smells coming from new pieces of furniture are often representative of chemicals that are irritating your lungs. Dangerous chemicals include carbon monoxide and radon; though they’re less common, they are still very harmful.
Take steps to purify the air in your home. You can start by talking to your doctor; you may be surprised at their willingness to talk about air quality. You can also:
•Ventilate your home by opening windows and running exhaust fans,
•Prevent smoking in your home,
•Remove clutter (because clutter collects dust!),
•Minimize dust mites by washing your bed linens weekly, lowering the humidity level, and keeping your pets off your furniture,
•Keep your floors and carpets clean,
•Install an air filtration system, and
•Reduce your exposure to household chemicals such as paints, varnishes, and cleaning products.
Visit the Asthma and Allergy Foundation’s website for more tips on how to improve the air quality of your home.
Taking Medicines… Strictly
It is very important for you to follow your medication schedule precisely. This includes following the directions closely, refilling your prescriptions with time so you don’t run out, and seeing your doctor at your regularly scheduled appointment even if you feel fine.
Also talk to your doctor about taking immunizations for the flu and pneumonia. You can look into local pharmacies and grocery stores that may offer these shots for free during the seasons.
Pulmonary Rehab: Therapy for Your Lungs
Pulmonary rehabilitation can drastically improve your lung function and help slow the progression of your COPD. Pulmonary rehab is a combination of exercise, disease management training, and counseling. There are various components to a specific rehab program, and your regimen is decided by what you and your physician feel is best for you. Your regimen can consist of exercising, nutrition counseling, and education about your disease. Instead of just dealing with one physician, you may be working with a team—specialists in the different areas that make part of your rehab program, such as doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, dietitians, and exercise specialists.
In order to design the best rehab program for you, your physician (or team of specialists) may conduct a medical evaluation which may include getting your health history, list of current medications you’re taking, a physical examination, and possibly a spirometry before and after you take a bronchodilator medicine.
Your rehab program will help you set goals which are the types of activities and exercises you want to do. This will include both exercise regimens as well as daily activities like doing chores and walking around the neighborhood. Your exercise regimen will help strengthen the muscles in your body as well as your lungs.
Education about your disease is a very important step in improving your health, and this may be part of your rehab program. You may learn about your symptoms, available treatments, and techniques to manage your symptoms including what to do in an exacerbation.
Your rehab team is dedicated to helping you reach your goals. They will check in with you regularly to see if you’re reaching your goals and what they can do to help you.
Exacerbations and How to Deal with Them
Exacerbations are times when your COPD gets worse. COPDers may have one to two exacerbations a year but the cause may vary. Exacerbations will worsen as your COPD progresses, therefore it’s important to take the necessary steps to help prevent the fast progression of your COPD—including taking your medicines, following your pulmonary rehab program, and eating healthy.
Signs of an exacerbation are:
•Increased cough
•Increased shortness of breath
•Increased mucus production
•Shallow or rapid breathing
•Increased heart rate
•Change in mucus color
•Increased temperature
•Impaired mental status
Make a plan with your doctor for treating your exacerbations. Find out if your doctor wants to see you when you get one, and ask how you can get a quick appointment as soon as it happens. Your doctor may prescribe medications so that you can stay at home when you do get sick. There are rescue medications available to take in the moment of an exacerbation. (See the Treatment Options section for more information on rescue medications.)
Treat your exacerbations as soon as possible. Always pay mind to how you feel and if you have signs of an exacerbation.
Anxiety and Depression
Many COPDers experience anxiety and depression with their disease, and it’s common for COPDers to be scared or start to miss their old hobbies but there are many things COPDers can do to become informed and empowered.
•Talk to your doctor about getting antidepressant therapy. This can include talking to someone about your feelings and/or taking prescribed medication.
•Many COPDers have found that learning about COPD helps them lessen their anxiety. Understanding what is happening can help you find a way to feel your personal best, which can include exercise, hobbies, and making changes to improve your home.
•COPDers feel better talking to fellow COPDers about their experiences. A COPD support group is made up of individuals with COPD who meet to share how they feel and exchange tips for simplifying daily living. Many COPDers find encouragement in talking to others who are experiencing the same thing. (Remember: 24 million Americans have COPD! You’re not alone!)
If there isn’t a support group nearby, you can always call the C.O.P.D. Information Line for free at 1-866-316-COPD (2673) and speak to a volunteer COPDer that staffs the Line. The Line is open Monday through Friday from 9AM to 9PM, Eastern Time.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010
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