Thursday afternoon I wasn't feeling very good. The typical pain in my upper back and shoulder felt different and my chest was tight and hard to take in air.
I didn't want to wait until 6:00p.m. then end up in the emergency room, so I went to the walk in clinic at my doctors office. She is off Thursdays.
It is almost ridiculous that a person whom the desk girls have seen on a fairly regular basis hands me a form to fill out and asks me "why are you here"? When I say I am having breathing issues, they ask me to fill out this form, don't forget to sign it and take a seat, we'll call you when the doctor's ready. Now, I understand I have no appointment and the walk in clinic is first come first serve... but you would think that a woman on oxygen who is complaining of breathing issues and is sitting in the waiting room sweating... would maybe take precedence over someone with a runny nose.
Can you tell I hate clinics? Lol Anyway... knowing that I am seeing a doctor who is not familiar with my background I figure I will have some explaining to do, or he can make use of the computerized system there and look over my charts and recent tests. I get called back after a half hour, get put into a room ... have the assistant take my temperature and blood pressure and then leave me alone to wait another 20 minutes.
The doctor comes in and asks me my issue. Breathing problems and a sharp pain in my upper back and shoulder. He asks briefly my background. Severe Emphysema and Copd. He looks through the computer and says.. " Wow, your doctors are serious about this" I say why? He comments on the transplant documentation and the LVRS notes. He then puts me up on the table and listens to my lungs and heart. He says he is concerned with my rapid pulse. I tell him at 98 it's actually lower than it usually is.
He orders blood work and X-Rays. I get taken down to another waiting room and wait 45 minutes for the Xray tech to get back from somewhere. In the meantime I am seen by a lab person to draw my blood. This bruise in 4 days old and still is black and purple. That was from her digging in my arm trying to find a vein.
I get the X-Ray and get taken back to the doctors office, and back into the first exam room I was in. Wait now another 20 minutes. He comes in and tells me I have what looks like fluid in my left lower lung. He asks me if this is something I have had before? Yes, what was the treatment? Antibiotics and Steroids. What pharmacy do you use? Thanks for coming, if you don't feel better after the 8 days series of prednisone, call you doctor.
4 days later. My chest is still very tight, breathing is fine as long as I don't put for ANY effort, then I am panting. I haven't had a nights sleep since Thursday night. The steroids make me irritable and I can't seem to sleep or relax my body. There has to be something better.
I haven't worked out... Of course, all week. So, this weeks weigh in won't happen. I am going to try and get back on the trampoline for 5 minute intervals tomorrow. I feel like I have to. I will back off if I begin to feel bad, but sitting here gaining what I have lost just isn't alright with me.
I can feel the depression sneaking back up again. It is the result of not feeling good. Not being able to stand and do dishes without getting dizzy. Not sleeping. I am not bouncing right back from things like I used to. I can tell with each "event" it's taking me longer and longer to get over. I am hoping for a little better days this week so I can do something. Anything... using my trampoline, painting my kitchen, going to the park and feeding our geese. I just need to feel better.
So... With that... I am off to take more meds I hate and see if I can get some sleep tonight.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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FYI the more water you drink prior to them trying to find a vein, the easier it is to find, as it pumps them up. They always have had trouble "sticking" me, and that's something I was told and having done it - it helps. So the minute you know you're heading off to the clinic, start drinkin'. The other thing: they have tiny little needles with what look like butterfly wings Was told that doctor's offices have them but they have to pay for them, as opposed to the other normal needles that they get for free. And obviously they'll use those first. They used one on me a month or so ago and the difference is amazing. May not be appropriate for you - just putting out information here. I also ALWAYS tell them I've got hard veins to find, and that if they're inexperienced to bring in someone who really knows what they're doing. Bruising I find is normal for me, but especially true if you're on any blood thinners.
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