I went to weigh in on Tuesday, I was a little discouraged because I gained .8 pounds but ready to take control and get back to it. I had that lung infection/fluid.. or whatever they called it that visit .. and was trying to regain strength from being sick and on steroids which make sleep impossible.
Tuesday evening I got my trampoline out and jumped for maybe 5 minutes. I could tell that the lung infection took a lot out of me and it would take some time to build back up again.
Tuesday night/Wednesday morning I woke up around 3:00ish with terrible pain in my chest. Like someone had a hold of my heart and was just SQUEEZING. I tried to go back to sleep, I adjusted my position and finally around 5:00 I just gave up and came out and got in the recliner. I was not wanting to wake up Bill so I waited for him to get up.
He got in the shower and I called my doctor. She wasn't in so I asked what time the walk in clinic opened. !0:00 So, at 10:00 I called Britt and told her that I was just going to get checked, not to worry... go about her business and I'd check in with her, or she could call her dad. We went to the walk in clinic and of course they took me right back to a room. The nurses assistant took blood pressure and pulse and oxygen levels. Then the door opens and Britt comes in. She decided to just stop in.
Soon the doctor came in and asked a few questions then told me she was calling for an ambulance and they would be here shortly. In the meantime in rolls a portable EKG machine. About the time they get me hooked up the paramedics come in and one starts an I.V. the other one begins to ask Britt which belongings are mine and if she can tell him what I was experiencing. Britt was overwhelmed! LoL It all happened very quickly. I wasn't in the doctors office 20 minutes before I was being wheeled out on a gurney and into the ambulance.
To make a really long story short.... 3 aspirin's, 3 nitro tablets under my tongue, a nitro patch, several blood tests, a contrast CT scan, ultra sounds of my legs to make sure no blood clots were present, and a blown out vein in my arm... I was told this was not a cardiac event ... or he is 95% sure it wasn't.
He thinks I have what is called Costochondritis. I will post information on it.
I am through with my trampoline for a while, I am through heavy lifting for a while. I am discouraged. I was on the upside of weight gain prior to this. Zero pounds lost one week, and .8 pounds gained the last week... So, I needed a boost to get back losing weight. I know I have no control over these things... BUT CRAP!
This diagnoses does not tell me why I still have a rapid heart beat. I can tell you... The symptoms for this mimic almost EXACTLY a heart attack. The pain is just as bad, with pain running down one arm and the whole bit. I am relieved it was not my heart.
I am very impressed with the nursing staff (minus a few blown veins) and the doctor and the care I received. They were very thorough and kept Bill and Brittney informed throughout every thing.
So... today I am asking Britt to bring over her stationary bike for me. It will be my exercise of choice now that I cannot bounce or lift anything. Did I tell you I am to wear a very tight fitting sports bra 24 hours a day. LoL It's fine, it just makes me look like I have a uni-breast instead of 2 separate things! But I am packed in tightly and I guess that's the point.
Now, to post the information on my newest adventure.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Thursday, March 24, 2011
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