By Keith Nemec, M.D.
Excerpt taken from the book Total Health = Wholeness: A Body, Mind and Spirit Manual by Dr. Keith and Laurie Nemec. For more information go to Total Health Institute are the two most important nutrients you can put in your body?
The answer is oxygen and water. You can live 2 minutes without air, 5-6 days without water and 30 days without food. The oxygen we breath combines with the food we eat to form energy. This energy is called adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.
Oxygen is the most essential nutrient to enter the body and when it is in low supply your internal system starts to become anaerobic which means low oxygen environment. Why is this a problem? Because most pathogens like many bacteria, viruses and cancer cells thrive in anaerobic conditions.
Nobel prize winner, Dr. Otto Warburg demonstrated that the key ingredient for the formation of cancer is a decrease of oxygen on the cellular level. It is also important to know that when the sugar content goes up in the body, the oxygen content goes down. They are inversely proportionally.
What kind of symptoms and problems develop with low oxygen content in the body? Dr. Sheldon Hendler, author of The Oxygen Breakthrough, says that “ATP is the basic currency of life. Without it, we are literally dead. Imbalance or interruption in the production and flow of this substance results in fatigue, disease and disorder, including immune imbalance, cancer, heart disease and all of the degenerative processes we associate with aging.”
How do we become oxygen deficient?
1) poor quality air
2) poor quality food
3) poor breathing technique
1) The air we breath has become so polluted and toxic from the chemicals in the environment that the oxygen content has become lower. This is caused by exhaust, emissions and smoke along with all the other 70,000 toxic chemicals that have been released into the environment.
2) Most of the food eaten today is cooked and devoid of life giving enzymes, bioelectricity and oxygen. The highest content oxygen foods are living green plants like wheatgrass, sunflower sprouts and buckwheat sprouts, next come raw green vegetables like leafy greens; kale, collards, dandelions, spinach and broccoli, the all raw vegetables, then raw fruits. Cooked animal products have the lowest oxygen of any food source.
3) Most people only use 15% of their lung capacity throughout the majority of their life. This leads to poorly oxygenated blood. When we chest breath we use only a small portion of our lung capacity. Stress induces us to automatically chest breathe and this causes lower oxygen levels in the blood which cause stress to the body which promotes further chest breathing — a vicious cycle. Deep breathing, or diaphragm breathing fully expands and contracts the lungs causing a huge increase in the amount of oxygen absorbed into the blood. We were born to diaphragm breathe as you can see every time you see a baby breathe their abdomen move up and down. The best breathing technique inhales maximally through the nose until the lungs are fully expanded then slowly exhales until the lungs are maximally contracted. Usually this is a slow count of ten in, a momentary pause, and then slow count of ten out.
There are three ways that vital nutrients and biochemicals enter our body: through water, air and food. We have already discussed possible problems with the food we eat, but what about water and air?
Every single cell in your body must receive oxygen and nutrients in which it metabolizes to maintain life. The waste products from this metabolism must be flushed from the cells. Only water can do this. If we do not keep up with our 1 quart of water per 50 pounds of body weight per day requirement then the cells start to die in their own waste products. The less water you consume the more toxic you become and the greater the chance of disease onset.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011
How the Lack of Oxygen can Destroy Your Health and Cause Heart Disease, Cancer, and all Diseases
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