These days I count good and bad days by a couple things... first of course my breathing ... second how many calories in and calories burned. LoL Funny how things change huh.
Today was a good calorie day. I did "the stairs" doing laundry. I told Bill and Britt that it's not that I can't do laundry ... it's just that if I get back up the stair no one better need me to talk or point or anything until my pulse gets back to a rest and I can breath again. Heaven forbid the phone should ring or someone would be at the door.
Anyway... Bill was gone most the day and I got a lot done, including going up and down the stairs. Needless to say I got my cardio work out.
I actually got some presents wrapped and some others returned because I got the wrong size, or someone else beat me to the gift.
Then I had my primary care doctor visit today.
Her nurse and her both commented on "Wow you look great, let's see how much weight you have lost?" Well, I told them I will be back everyday to hear that. LoL
Officially since August I have lost 23 pounds, and as of the end of September I have lost 18. Like normal most of the initial weight is coming off of my face and chest. It's like once it gets a hold of my stomach and butt it hangs on for dear life!
We went over quite a bit. I hadn't seen her since October, right before my thyroid surgery. So, down the list we went.....
-Thyroid levels will have to be tested occasionally to make sure they stay where their supposed to. So, labs tomorrow.
-Notes from my Pulmonologist say ... must lose weight. That one is being taken care of. Also, she tested my BMI and to reach 32% I have 12 pounds to go. Of course my goal is much lower than that, but it does make it seem attainable now.
_ Also from Pulm. he wants me to be seen by a cardiologist. She (primary care doc) says she wants to try and get my pulse down first with an increase in my heart meds. She told me to take my blood pressure if I begin to feel light headed, actually just take it twice a day for the first couple weeks of increased dosage.
-She also will have them call me for an appointment for a nuclear stress test. I know I have been being awaken more frequently with pain in my chest and heart. It doesn't last long and I can roll over and go back to sleep every time. She told me if this happens and it doesn't go away go to the emergency room. She is worried about heart attacks. Especially with my family history.
-I asked her about my constipation and she said that it is almost expected with the combination of medications I am on. And, the laxative I am using is mild enough I can use it every other day and it won't hurt me. I asked her about the laxative stripping my body of nutrients and she said Nah. LoL
All in all a good day. No bad news at the doctor and I got a lot done and worked on cardio all at the same time.
On a side note. A lovely woman and dear friend underwent a bypass surgery this morning... Hugs to you Char..

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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It's like once it gets a hold of my stomach and butt it hangs on for dear life! Do I ever know the feeling.
WOW Kellie You are doing great 23lbs .. Now I am up to date and all is going well . I found it interesting that WW changed I was on the Atkins Diet is it something like that? Hugs and Merry Christmas
Like you I would love to leave my Christmas items up all year well let me tell you my TREE stays up all year the rest is packed away but I just can't part with my tree it is in my TV room and we love it.
I have added so much it is so full you can't see many green branches.
It pleases me and hubby does't care so it is Christmas all year it my TV room.
I am telling you when I saw you the other day I did a double take to make sure it was really look amazing Kellie keep up all your hard work =)
You are doing so well, Kellie, love the ornaments, especially Layla's--how sweet! I have some old paper ones my daughters made, from decades ago, and I put them up carefully on my "second Christmas tree"--my baker's rack, that holds all the sentimental, silly ones that don't "match" my gold and crystal "big tree"...I love Christmas as much as you (and my mom, who has been "gone" five years) are doing so well with the weight loss...Weight Watchers can change their "program", whatever, you KNOW what you need to do and you have accomplished miracles given your physical challenges...Merry Christmas and a beautiful NEW YEAR to you!
Love, Savannah
Thanks so much for the kind comments girls. You really don't know how much it encourages me. Some days I feel like I am not doing as well as I could, and other days I can actually feel the difference.
So jealous of you leaveing your tree up all year! I just hate dusting, and my house seems to be a magnet for dust. As it is I put my tree up in November and have already dusted it 3 times.
I just can not imagine with strong your blog greatly that saved me! Thank you “However far modern science and techniques have fallen short of their inherent possibilities, they have taught mankind at least one lesson; nothing is impossible.” - Lewis Mumford
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