I had my 2nd and final day of my nuclear stress test. Day one... go in and they inject a radioactive dye into my arm, take an EKG and send me out to the lobby for an hour with 2 glasses of water to drink.
After an hour they ask me to remove my bra and put me through a kind of CT scan. They tell me that the water moves the dye throughout my body but the heart holds it there, the rest is "flushed out". Then they send me home, telling me no coffee, no tea, no hot chocolate, no Pepsi or coke... nothing of color, only clear fluids.
Of course when someone tells you that you can't have something that is all you can think about!!
This morning I was to be up there at 8:30 to finish the test. Of course I didn't sleep all night so when I finally got to sleep the alarm went off, then to have no coffee... I wasn't sure if I could even dress myself without caffeine!
They again take me back only this time to a room with a bed and a treadmill... sounds like a blast huh?!! LoL
They start an I.V. of something (I forgot what she told me), then they hook up EKG tags all over me, then have me lay still for 10 minutes to get a resting heart rate.
After I am good and rested they get me up and call in the radioactive guys again. They put me on the treadmill and start it up. Every 2 minutes they increase the slant and eventually I am at the max uphill slope.
About half way through the radioactive guy puts the dye into my I.V.. Once I reach the max uphill and my heart rate reaches it's peak, they tell me to continue for 5 minutes. I get to the point where my legs feel like lead, my heart feels like it is pounding out my eyeballs, and I am gasping for air. At this point they finish. They sit me on the bed again and hand me water. My hand is shaking so bad I spill the first cup and so smartly they wait a minute then get me more. One woman removes most of the EKG tag thingys, but leaves 3 on... one under each breast and one on the center of my chest.
After my first cup of water, they hand me another and take me again back out to the lobby for an hour. Then the radioactive man comes out and takes me back to the room with the CT scan. He again asks me to remove my bra and shirt (my shirt had metal studs on it duh! ) and hands me a gown. After I get the gown on and tied I go into the CT thingy room. He tells me he hates asking this question but the Cardiologist needs this information to do some sort of measuring. I can tell the tech (radioactive guy) is embarrassed... and he asks... What size bra do you wear? I tell him. Then he tells me to lay down on the CT scan machine thing and he puts more dye into the I.V., then tells me for this test he needs to hook up 3 electrodes. He reaches under the gown and then stops... I can tell he is uncomfortable... so I said.." do you want me to lift those for you?". He just laughs and says please... I think he wanted to run out of the room. I thought I was funny! LoL
So, the scan does it's job, he comes in and removes the leads but leaves the sticky tags there, removes the I.V. and tells me I am through. I get dressed and go home as tired as I have been in a long time. I felt as though I ran a marathon.
I got home at about 11:00 and at 2:30 we had Brittney and Fernando and his mom Maria, and Layla over for an early New Years dinner. Bill cooked prime rib, I made a quiche and fritters, and we had a green salad and garlic bread. It was really nice.
I had just not thought about having this test today when we planned this dinner.
The reason for it today was, tomorrow night is New Years Eve. And, even though we have no plans other than setting the alarm clock for midnight and wishing each other happy new year and going back to bed... Brittney and Fernando celebrate like young people should. They are having friends over to their house to bring in the New Year, instead of having people out driving on the roads. Smart Kids!!
So... we figured having a New Years Day dinner would be bad, because if they are anything like we used to be they will probably be hung over.
We are having Layla spend the night. Britt is bringing over some sparkling cider for her to toast with me.
So... Have I told you how much I want this year to be over?!! LoL I am so looking forward to a new year. My goals each year get much more focused.
If I am not on here tomorrow... Happy New Years my friends. I only know you from behind a computer screen, but you have seen me through some very tough times and I will forever be grateful!

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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Happy New Year to you too. I too am going through tests with my heart right now..The only differenceis I am too weak to take the physical tests and they have been administering the chemical stress tests..which I hate. I am still trying to do the physical ones and have a few more to take next week. I've been mostly on bed rest and I hate that too. I've been sleeping a lot lately but I just give into it for now...its nothing else I can do. Im so glad that I am now able to share my journey with others...others who truly understand what its like to walk in the shoes of someone with COPD. I want to spend New Years in prayer..and looking forward to what the future holds for me as well...STay Blessed.
((Gentle hugs to you Connie))
They told me if I was not able to do the test they would administer the chemical test.
I swear I haven't been this tired in I can't remember when. Yet, here I sit in bed with my laptop unable to get to sleep. My legs are cramping, I am sure from the treadmill.
I wish for all of us a much healthier new year, and you're right about sharing this experience. It means something to know you're not alone. This disease has so many ugly side effects and to be able to talk to someone who really understands means the world to me.
I am truly grateful to have so many friends with me through this who share the same pains and struggles as I do.
I wish I could reach out and hug you so tight ... you made it thru 2010 a tough year for you but you made it and have helped me and so many others by writting your blog. You can express things so well ... I hope 2011 is a great year for you positive things will happen and I am proud to be here with you if it is only thru this computer I feel so close to you God Bless and Happy New Year
Happy New Year to you Kellie,heres hoping it will be a happy and healthy 2011 with lots of happiness for you.Thankyou for sharing this journey with us ive just got out of hospital so ive had lots to catch up on.
Love Cath xxx
OK, out with the old, in with the new. Hope the new year is a whole lot better than the last for you, Kellie. Keep that chin up and "wear loose socks" (as someone we know says.)
A Healthy Happy New Year to you too Kellie. Thank You for sharing your message and blogging about the events in your life. You're a Blessing to so many.
Sending Love and Prayers your way,
-Char (aka Mary from Ex; Petunia from one blogosphere and aka as Invocemus from another! I have many identities and hardly blog!
So grateful Aztec shared your blog link with me.
A Healthy Happy New Year to you too Kellie. Thank You for sharing your message and blogging about the events in your life. You're a Blessing to so many.
Sending Love and Prayers your way,
-Char (aka Mary from Ex; Petunia from one blogosphere and aka as Invocemus from another! I have many identities and hardly blog!
So grateful Aztec shared your blog link with me.
Happy New Year to you and yours, Kellie...I know for myself 2010 has been a year of enormous challenges and yet, we are still here, and I believe with all my heart we will reap in 2011 the rewards we sowed, with hard work, determination and LOVE, in 2010. Love, Savannah
we will reap in 2011 the rewards we sowed, with hard work.
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