I had my Weight Watchers weigh in this morning. I was so sure this would be a 3 pound week. I didn't count on what an impact going out Saturday night with Britt and Fernando had. I ate deep fried Veggies and Pizza and had 1 beer.
Then I worked out like crazy the last 2 days. Well... crazy for me. lol
I lost .9 pounds. Not quite a pound. Grrr It's not a gain, and considering my deep fat experience I suppose that is pretty good. Now with Christmas dinner and Prime Rib coming up in a couple days... I am hoping for another loss next week. Only this time... I'll take .9 or . anything.
That brings my weight to 21.9 pounds.
I am still having bowel issues. And, I am still taking laxatives at least twice a week. My primary care doctor told me not to worry about taking them, that they won't be a problem. I don't know if it's my diet that is doing this to me, or medication or what? I know with the amount of fiber and vegetables I am eating I should have no problems.
As for my Copd ... it is unchanged. I seem to be having more breathing issues than normal, and more burning in my lungs. I am leery to complain because I know how much worse it can get. I am being careful when to go out and when to stay in. Some days I have ventured out with the inversion layer and even Bill will comment on my breathing. I know I wake up in the night still with a pain in my chest.
The cardio stress test is coming up the 29th and 30th, I'll let you know when I find out something. Which waiting for test results seems to take forever.
I am wondering how Seattle feels about my test results. I know it's Christmas and then New Years ... so the best I can hope for is probably hearing sometime after the 15th of January. Patience!
About my last blog and the "used and damaged goods". Well, yes... I am damaged, and yes... I do feel like I am used up. But, I am still me. I do still have my sense of humor (most days), and I do still have the ability to get around, go shopping, drive myself.... This is a lot more than some people, so I'll take it. It doesn't mean that I can't feel a little jealous of those woman my age who can wear make up and not worry about the cannula smearing or wearing it off, who can wear a necklace and not have it get caught up in the cannula, who can look their age, and not see the "awe" looks when people see you with oxygen.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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