As you can see it's been 2 days since I wrote. I haven't been on the bike, but I have however burned more calories walking through the stores and cleaning house. I am still on track. Bill and I met Britt and Fernando for lunch yesterday at Mongolian BBQ, it's one of our favorite restaurants. For the most part it was very healthy except those pesky YokiSoba noodles. We tried to ask for the nutrition information with no luck. So whatever I worked off yesterday I have a feeling was used up with lunch.
A couple times now I have had this sudden experience. Once was when I was with Bill shopping for a trying on boots, and the other time was when I lost Bill and Layla in the store and Bill wasn't answering his phone.
It's a feeling of being overwhelmed, out of breath, irritated, and stressed far beyond normal. It comes on quickly, and goes away as fast, but while I am in that state it is terrible. Anxiety attacks, for no apparent reason??? I dunno what they are. Besides that at far as my copd goes ... It's just the cold air I am struggling with. I wears scarves but with a cannula, a scarf and my coat and purse with a 3 pound canister in it... it's a bit much trying to keep everything in place.
Usually about once a month the oxygen company comes out and exchanges my empty for full canister's. Twice now with this last bunch of canister's I have run out of O2 while out running errands. Out of the 20 canister's they gave me all but 4 have been only 1/2 full.
When I called them this morning to ask for a delivery and told them the last bunch was only filled half full they kinda got pissy with me and blamed it on the cold weather.
Well... If I run out and can't get any more O2 and end up in the hospital from an exacerbation... They probably won't like the letter from my attorney.
I mean REALLY! Cold air or not... when I hook up a new canister I surely don't expect to run out of oxygen within an hour! I'll assume a little of the blame for not checking the bottles (which I do now each time).
It's just another one of those things that I get irritated with about Copd, is packing this O2 around with me.
I am getting close to having my shopping done. I have a few things still to get for Bill as always. He NEVER tells us what he wants, and every year he gets the same thing... jeans, shirts, cologne and maybe pajama pants. He is worse than an old lady... he always says "I don't need anything". It is infuriating to Britt and I. Britt and I are so similar that if I like something I just buy it for her and vice-versa.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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