Behind all those trees is where my walking trail is. Of course this picture was taken last summer so the trees aren't quite that full or green yet, but it's still beautiful.
See that white "snag" is standing tall above the tree line.. where the birds are perched? That was a dead tree (duh! LoL obviously!) that they have sunk in concrete and propped up for the birds to perch on and nest in. The trail runs along the river and then curves back again.. 2.5 miles.
Layla and I walked today. She did great 1/2 way around. We were playing with cat-tails and throwing rocks into the water. Then all of a sudden she decided she had walked far enough! LoL She said that "little kids are NOT supposed to walk this much", and she thinks "it's dangerous for little kids to excercise like this!" LoL
We finished walking and she fell asleep on the way home in the car.
I was thinking as we were walking that prior to me getting sick I would have taken a sweater for Layla and I and the keys to the car and started walking. Oh no, not anymore. Now all my pockets are full. I have the keys, but I also have a rescue inhaler, gum because even without excercise my mouth gets desert dry and a cell phone because god only knows the emergencies we could have at any given moment.
I am trying to talk her into walking again tomorrow. So far she is not interested. Tomorrow is my WW weigh in again. Oh Joy! I think this week I should have a fair loss. If I gain weight again.. I am worried about my poundage future!! I need something in my life I can control. Yes, eating took over when smoking went away.. but I have tried so hard to eat healthier, to make better choices and to do without things that used to comfort me. So, this weight loss is more to me than just a diet. It is me gaining control of something. It is me trying to make some part of my physical being healthy.
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