I have never felt so empty, misunderstood, angry or depressed than the last 3 days.
Yesterday Bill was moping around (it just seems to be a pissing contest over who feels worse... I gave up) and I told him just out of the blue... that I am not happy and asked him if he was? He looked shocked. I don't know how he could be surprised.... we hardly speak, he is gone most of the day to god knows where, then comes home... starts drinking then is off to bed by 6:00.
To make a very long a exhausting story short... I told him that I will not live my life like this. That I take as much responsibility at our failed life as he should, maybe more. I just don't want to go on like this. I want to be happy. To feel loved and safe. I do not right now, and haven't in a long time.
He didn't have much to say except for it was my fault. I asked him if he could honestly say he loved me and he never did answer. He asked me the question and I told him I do at times, but other times I don't even feel like we are friends. That even roommates would talk more, do more and be kinder to each other.
Yes..... he takes care of the things around the house that I can't.... but honestly I can hire that done. I do not mean to sound ungrateful because I appreciate everything that he does. However... there is a price to pay for that, and over the years I have just paid and ignored the fact I was living in a marriage I was not happy in. Then it got to be habit forming, like a comfortable pair of slippers. Yes, they have holes and flaws, but they always are there to cover you when you need it.
Anyway... I gave in AGAIN this morning and just asked to be loved. I told him if he couldn't do that to do the right thing and just leave. The day went on just like every other day. Him gone, me on the computer, him home with a drink or three and in bed before 7:00.
Then Brittney calls me and tells me I am giving up. I tried to explain to her that I am not. There are just some things I can't do. She wanted me to go sledding and I tried to explain I cannot do that with a cannula and hosing around me and my face. Not to mention being out in the cold and having cold air rush across my face. She actually got pissy with me and said "Don't say I can't." Has she not been paying attention to my health???? I GET IT!
I don't give up, and I haven't given in. I told her that if I were to give in it would be very easy. I would stay in bed like I feel like doing until 10:00 or 11:00, that I would take naps, I would just sit and not worry about my weight, about getting dressed, about pushing myself to even vacuum my own house. That just shopping is a OUTING, not just someone running to the store. She knows all this, she has been to the Pulmonologist with me, and even to the cardiologist.
I am So Above being frustrated at my life that I can no longer hold on alone. When I see my Primary Care Doctor again at the end of this month or the beginning of Feb. I am asking for a referral to a counselor. I need to find happiness somehow. I will never be suicidal, but I can't imagine going on day after day the way I have been.
I love Brittney more than life itself and I don't blame her. She is trying to do the right thing and push me to do more and keep moving. It's just right now I feel like if I am pushed I will lose myself.
I went to the Gynecologist yesterday to talk about the results of the ultrasound. He wants me to see a urologist before anything else is done and go through this certain test. Well, the only Urologist in Klamath Falls has left, and the nearest town will not take my insurance. So, he wants me to go to Portland which is about a 8 hour drive from here through the snow and bad weather to have this test. Then depending on the results either whomever sees me will do surgery on my bladder and then do a hysterectomy or I will be sent home because my bladder problem can't be fixed and he will do the hysterectomy. Nothing with me is easy. He said the tumor growing on my enlarged uterus is about the size of a small cantaloupe. Awesome... remove it and there is weight loss!
I started this P.I.N.K. program and have been doing everything it asks...... except that I eat everything I am not supposed to at night before I go to bed. Even with that I have lost nearly 5 pounds. I am trying to be strong and fighting my night cravings. I'll let you know how that goes.
So... welcomed to my life... wanna run now?

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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I just wanted to say Hi, and to tell you I understand how it can get at times. I went and had blood work done a week ago and today I have to go in to see her because something is wrong, it's NOW what? I have come to realize that ever corner that you or I turn with this awful disease, the hits just keep on coming. I have my prayers for us daily. Hang in there!
Thank you Gail. My thoughts are with you for a good result on your test. Let me know. Hugs sent your way.
The medicines are causing havoc, I need all of them to breath but the side effects are just as bad.Diabetes and Thyroid are my problems for today the doctors said. I will just go to bed now that I have sat up way to long but some of my med can keep me up for long periods of time. keep the faith my prayers are still with both of us.
People with major depression may absence pleasure in activities, significant weight-loss or gain, sleeplessness or excessive sleeping, insufficient energy.
Hi Kellie, i've tried before to leave messages and haven't been able so i'll copy this to a pm on fb if i can't do it here. after my stroke i felt the same as you describe here and i went to a clinical director i used to have when i worked in mental health. she had a stroke at 36 so i knew she would know how i was feeling. perhaps if you contact the national hotline for COPD/Emph they may have a name of someone in the field near you that has health problems or specializes in that. i jknow your pain and it sounds like everyone is in denial in your family except you. it was the same with my family except my partner understood but it made it very lonely and i still feel like that some days. Dr gave me Valium for the balance d/o and i use them sometimes when i'm feeling down and can move around then. i think about you a lot and pray all the time for you and Linda H and hope with my whole heart that you're able to get medical attention or a cure! my love to you sweet Kellie!!!
That the doctors told him the surgery is not life saving but prolonging. And, there could still be transplant in his future when the time comes.
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