I just wanted to blog quickly to document (some call it documenting, I call it whining or bitching! LoL) this pulse issue of mine.
A few months ago my primary care doctor asked me to document my pulse and blood pressure. I used to go the the grocery store and use the machine in the pharmacy ... Now I have one at home. I try and write down the specifics at least twice a week at different times during the day, and while resting or coming home from the store .. or other activity. "Other activity these days is limited to walking to the car (then catching my breath), or pushing a shopping cart around the grocery store slowly. Then each month when I see my primary care doctor I take her my list and that lets her know where I am at and have been. It gives her a better picture than just taking my pulse once a month in her office while I am sitting in a chair resting. A few times she has had her nurse walk me around the building with a pulse meter and an oxi-meter on. Each time that has happened she is AMAZED how quickly my oxygen lowers and my pulse races. This is part of the reason I am now on 24 hours of oxygen.
Anyway .. this morning before I started blogging recipes I wanted to make a note of my pulse issue.
Recipes to follow. :)
This morning I woke up feeling nervous and my heart was already racing. After being up for an hour or so I went outside to walk around my front yard which is very small. I was so out of breath and my heart was beating so hard my eyesight became blurry, so I came in and took my blood pressure/pulse. My blood pressure was good (it has been anyway) but just that stroll around my 2 flower beds in my small front yard sent my pulse up to 128 beats per minute.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
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1 comment:
Hi Kellie, As far as I'm concerned you have the right to document and or whine/bitch all you want. I still think it's amazing what you are doing here. I know you must be helping many people who are in the early stages of COPD and or emphysema.I think the fear of the unknown is the worst and you are allowing people to see exactly what it is they may have to deal with at some point. Amazes me. I hope they figure out soon how to get your pulse rate under control. I can imagine how scary that would be. I know it would send me directly into an anxiety attack. Take Care my friend and again I thank you for sharing your story. Love, Teresa aka SmokedOut.
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