I have been on the antibiotics for 2 days and I already have huge relief.
For the last week or so I have been REALLY short of breath. So much so I almost gasp for air occasionally just to try and force air down into my lungs. First off I checked my oxygen machine and the dial had been moved from 2 down to about 1/2. I fixed that issue, which I am sure happened when we were moving Britt's stuff around and changing the office to a guest room. No biggie. However it didn't fix my issue about getting air in, or being tired during the day.
Bill brought the newspaper in this morning and on the front page it said that Air Quality had been in the dangerous zone for a week. Pissed me off!! Why do they wait a week to tell us? I had been doing yard work, going grocery shopping, helping the kids move. Had I known it was the air... I would have once again locked myself in the house.
I'll wait a few days being inside and see if that helps my issues.
I have an appointment tomorrow with my Primary Doctor. I have (as usual) a lot of questions for her. I need her to give me a referral for another mammogram, I need to ask her if there is a stronger rescue inhaler (the pro-air isn't working), I need to find out if any of my medication is making my eye-sight worse. I swear within a year... I can't see ANYTHING! And, hopefully I will get great news about my heart tests.
So, I am getting serious now about this recipe book for our family. I have contacted some cousins to see if they have recipes that I don't, or ones that I can not miss putting in. I also requested some family pics from my cousins because sadly most of my Aunt and Uncles have passed away. I remember people saying... why didn't we get this information while our family was still alive. That happens SO often. I think people just don't want to imagine not having their parents or grandparents around. I know there isn't a week that has gone by that I don't want to call my mom to ask her some question about baking, or crafting or something.
Anyway, I have been going through recipes. I can't put them all in, there are just too many of them. I have went through Mom's recipes and her Mom's recipes twice now and have settled on a pile of "must use" recipes! LOL

Even before Mom died we talked about putting together a recipe book. She was infamous for her entertaining. I kept putting it off and finding excuses not to start it... then like everyone else in the world I watch the movie "Julie and Julia". A week or so later I started thinking of what kind of book I wanted.
Like Julie ... I will be making each recipe...because I need something to focus on, but also because I love these recipes and because I want to include a picture of the finished product.
I have made some prior to this "idea" of mine... so I will remake those and include pictures.
This is NOT the time to lose weight. Not that I have been doing so well anyway. I am remaining the same, but losing ZERO.
It really brings family memories back. My dad was from Virginia.. he loved Southern food. He rarely got it, especially after his mom died. I made Grandma G's (not dad's mom) favorite Corn Bread the other night with Split Pea soup and I thought of Dad. He loved Pea Soup.. but Corn Bread was his Comfort food. He said when he was little and his tummy was upset his mom would put Corn Bread in a bowl and pour warm milk over it. :) I have a feeling there will be a lot of memories surfacing until this book is finished.
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