(I got this from a friends page. Unfortunately we both share Copd.)
Thanks for the great article Barb <3
Study Shows Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Is Linked to Impaired Heart Function
By sl(this,'','prog-lnk');"">Jennifer Warner
WebMD Health News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Jan. 20, 2010 -- Even a mild case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may have a major impact on the heart, according to a new study.
"This study shows that COPD, even in its mildest form, is associated with diminished heart function," Susan B. Shurin, MD, acting director of the
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of
which funded the research, says in a news release. "We now have evidence
the presence of even mild COPD may have important health implications
the lungs."
Researchers say heart failure caused by lung disease is well documented in people with severe COPD, but this is the first study to show a link
mild forms of lung disease and impaired heart function.
"We found that there appears to be a linear relationship between lung function and heart function, and even a small hit to the lungs
affects heart function as well," says researcher Graham Barr, MD, DrPH,
assistant professor of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia University
Center, in the news release.
"These results raise the intriguing possibility that treating lung disease may, in the future, improve heart function," says Barr. "Further
research is
needed to prove whether treating mild COPD will help the heart work
COPD is the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. and is strongly related to smoking. It includes the conditions of sl(this,'','embd-lnk');"">emphysema and chronic
bronchitis. COPD makes it
progressively more difficult to breathe.
The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure heart function in 2,816
adults aged
45 to 84. Of the participants, 13% were smokers, 38% were former
smokers, and
49% never smoked.
The extent of emphysema in the participants was also determined with breathing tests and images of the chest.
The results showed the link between lung disease and impaired heart function was strongest in current smokers. But researchers also found an
between mild emphysema and decreased heart function in people who had
"We used sensitive measures to pick up small differences in healthy people," says Barr. "We demonstrated that even mild COPD is associated with
reductions in heart function, probably since not enough blood is
entering the
heart due to vascular problems in the lungs."

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Monday, April 26, 2010
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Well THERRE's a cheerful bunch of information. Dwell not on it, I say. Dwell on the other end of the spectrum.
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website www.ultimatelifeclinic.com I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
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