One more day at Curves under my belt. I have been doing 2 rotations and that seems to bring me to a good sweat and a good steady pulse of 145-156. I still am feeling like I need to do more in the afternoon. So far I have just thought about it. LOL
Today it took a little more effort at Curves. We have had low hanging clouds and rain come into the valley and just sit here for a few days. When that happens the air gets trapped and so does all the pollutants. I think even when the air is heavy with summer rain it's hard to breath, and then add on top of that our air situation here and it's like breathing soup.
I am hoping that I can get used to this (exercise) being part of my every day. So far I do well there, and have had no issues with pain at home. I just become very lethargic and tired once I sit down. I could easily nap if the opportunity arose.
I have so far kept myself busy either online or in the kitchen or with Britt and Layla. I am hoping that goes away and my body just accepts it as part of each day. I may though just need to accept the fact I get tired easily with the added heavy breathing. I remember "heavy breathing" being much more fun than it is these days!! ;) lol
Which reminds me, we went to a birthday party the other night and Layla was talking to a little girl. The girl asked Layla what that was around my face? And, Layla in a matter of fact voice replied... "My grandma breathes special air." LoL I never thought about how she views this. She never really questioned it and I never explained it to her. Brittney will once in a while tell her to watch for grandma's hoses.
If you think about it, we do breath special air. Our air is so special we have to carry it around with us, pack it when we go on trips, and eat and sleep with it. It is so special that we can't go places that won't allow our air ... Places like some airlines, swimming pools and lakes ... I am sure there are lots more .. but I think you get the point. It hits home the concept of planning. When your diagnosed with Copd you learn to plan even if you were never organized before you learn quickly.
I cracked up this morning because last night before I went to bed I got the chicken breasts in the refrigerator to marinate overnight. They marinated in freshly squeezed lime juice and Jose Cuervo a 1/4 cup of each, and some grated frozen ginger root. I had 3 or 4 bottles (the little ones like you get on an airline) and it worked out that they were just the right amount. I left one of them on the counter so this morning I would remember to add it to my shopping list.
Bill woke up this morning and thought I had a night cap last night. lol I reminded him that I can't drink with all the medication I am on. It was funny though.
I might add that the chicken tonight for dinner was moist and delicious! I am doing my best to come up with different and tasty things to do with Chicken. Bill is turning back to beef, and I just can't eat it. Or at least not every day or even every week. A special meal once a month would be O.K..
I seem to have accepted the new healthy eating idea much better than he has. Even though he has also lost weight. I am sure eating lighter in the summer will be much easier than trying to stay away from heavy things in the cold winter months.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
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Your chicken sounds delish! Did you bake, broil or grill it? I want to try it! I think you're right about it being so much easier to eat healthy in the summer--salads, fresh fruits, etc.--we just naturally turn to "lighter" fare in the warmer weather..Congrats on going back to Curves--I was a member 7 years ago and it was the most fit I have/had been in a long time and I really enjoyed the music and upbeat, supportive atmosphere...I might go back myself! Cheers, Savannah
I sliced thinly a lime and topped the breasts with them and broiled it.
I served it on top of brown rice and black beans with avacado/lime salsa over the top.
It was really good.
Hope you are doing good, long time no hear from. <3
sounds yummy..
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