I woke up this morning slowly and stayed laying down while I took inventory of how I felt. I decided before I even got out of bed that I would "buck up" and be a big girl and no matter how I felt I was going to be up and about today.
To be honest, my chest hurts my throat feels coated and swollen. It's not of course, it just feels like that. I shouldn't have a fever I have been on anti-biotic for a week now, and have a week to go. You know, I just feel sluggish.
We went to Layla's talent show this afternoon. 2 kindergarten classes doing what they feel is talent. It was SO cute. Layla got a cheerleaders uniform and did a cheer. Some of the kids sang, played piano (chopsticks), danced and some made up their own songs... some got up and once on the stage decided that they didn't want to perform. They got applause anyway. LOL
We sat in the front row so we could take good pics of Layla. Britt said she got 2 pictures and 1 was good. I'll post it when I can get it. While we sat there this little boy about 4 maybe stood beside me with his older sister. He had his arm around her waist as though to lead her. His hair was roughed up .. he looked like Dennis the menace only so much more smooth. He looked at me, I looked at him and he said......... "Hi there young lady"!! Oh My God! I wanted to hug him. How cute is that!!
Tonight I am calling it a night. It's been a long day and I will be glad to get this one behind me.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Thursday, June 9, 2011
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