I have made a decision regarding my diet and weight loss "plan". Today was my weigh in day at Weight Watchers and I didn't go. I am hoping I am making the right choice and not setting my weight loss progress on a backward path.
Right after I was first diagnosed (2 years ago) I joined CURVES (more on my last experience a little later). For those of you who don't know what it is ... it is a Gym for women only. It has 8 different machines or "stations" to work out at for a timed period, then you rest for a period of time between each station. By rest I mean ... some women "jog" in place, others walk in place...it's just a resting point.
They weigh in once a month and take measurements. I still am using the bodybugg system which tracks my caloric intake, calories burned and keeps track of my weight and measurements.
The only thing I was using Weight Watchers for is to go weigh in once a week in front of people to hold me accountable. I never followed their "diet" program. I believe that I can get more benefits from CURVES than I got from Weight Watchers. They also Weigh me and keep a log of my weight loss or gain, but they also take measurements ... and I have the use of all their equipment. Sounds like a no brain-er to me. Oh yeah... and it will cost half of what Weight Watchers cost monthly.
I just am finding that with my trampoline I am losing good inches from my lower body, but am not working out all my muscle groups like I will at CURVES.
As Paul Harvey would say .... "and now the rest of the story" ...
I mentioned I joined CURVES shortly after I was diagnosed about 2 years ago. I was still very sensitive about having the disease and the way I perceived people felt about those who had emphysema. When I joined I had to fill out a short form telling if I had any physical problems. I mentioned that I had a failed back surgery and spinal cord implant, that I had some arthritis in my lower back (probably from surgery). I mentioned that I suffered from bouts of Fibromyalgia, and then I mentioned I had Copd/Emphysema. The manager asked me if I would have any limitations and I told her no, only that I would most likely have to go a little slower than most of their clients. At that time I was not diagnosed with Sinus Tachycardia (rapid heart rate).
So, for the first 3 days I woke up early in the morning, dressed in my work out clothes, grabbed a bottle of water and was off to work out. I would work my way around their "stations" or machines and between each I would mostly just stand and sway back and forth, still moving but for the most part I was trying to catch my breath before I got to the next machine.
The 3rd day I worked out with a woman who I chatted with a little when my breathing would allow me to move and talk at the same time. She told me she was a nurse and it had come up in conversation with one of the ladies who worked there that I had COPD. She asked me about it and I told her I had severe emphysema and Copd.
The 4th day I was working my way around the stations again and the nurse was there. She came to me and asked if she could take my pulse. She said I was showing signs of distress. (lol YA THINK!! I am working out here!!) So, she took my pulse. To make a really long story short ....
that day and 2 other days she had me laying on the floor with my knees bent taking my pulse and "coaching me" on how to breath.
Well, I was ashamed ... humiliated ... irritated ... take your pick ... and so I didn't go back.
I just wanted to work out with everyone else and be treated no different.
So, wanting now to go back I called and talked to the owner. I found out she is a new owner (or new since I had been there). I told her about my last experience and told her now I would be bringing an oxygen bottle with me. I told her I would get a doctors release.
She said she would like to meet me and have me meet her other staff members so they would all be informed as to my condition and not be alarmed. She also mentioned that the nurse was still a member and if she came to me and wanted to take my pulse again how would I react. What a great question! After thinking about it I told her I would thank her for her concern but that I knew my limitations and would try and reassure her.
So... I am going to start Friday. I will be sure to blog about how it goes and how I do on the machines.
I called my Primary Care Doctor and spoke with her assistant. She said that I could stop in and pick up the release form today. They are so good to me and are always so prompt with things that I need. I am really lucky to have such great doctors.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
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