I have absorbed the idea of no surgery and have come to the conclusion that my life will just take a different path.
I do intend on talking to my Pulmonologist and asking him WHY he told me it was time to select a transplant hospital? Why he then told me I would need LVRS instead? Since October or November (heck it might have even been in August or September) I have been preparing myself for a lung surgery of some sort. So, it's like I have to come up with a new plan now. I have to tell you I am a little irritated with him for making me stress the last months, making my family think at any minute I may be called to Seattle. It is a big deal to me.
Since it's the new year, I am going to set new goals for myself. I "remodeled" my blog to suit me. It will no longer be about a transplant or a surgical procedure. It will be about me doing my best to improve my body and soul. I have some healing to do. I have been in this very dark place the last months. I have pushed Bill away. I have spent nights writing and re-writing my will. I have focused on the end of my life instead of a new beginning.
It is a new beginning. I will still be the Copd patient. I will still have diseased lungs. I can still count on having more doctors appointments than most, and taking more drugs than most, lugging around an oxygen canister like others don't. But, I can make things easier.
I can concentrate on my weight loss and exercising. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be exercising for an hour a day I would have told you ... you're crazy. If you would have told me that by this summer I could drop 40 or more pounds, I would think you were crazy.
It is realistic. I have been pushing myself everyday to get 3 sets of 20 minutes of cardio in. I am not sure if it is the smartest thing to do to my heart right now, but I am doing it. I am aware of every bite of food now that goes into my mouth, and I document it.
I am going to be a woman who wears a cannula around her face. I am always going to have limitations, but I will no longer be waiting for this big scary thing that is looming in my future.
I know what each day could be now. Bad days... no going outside, sleeping much more than I should, getting out of breath just getting dressed, forgetting things, getting dizzy standing up.
Good days... getting out and being part of the movement of our town, being one of many in a store, walking with "my ducks" at the park, laughing with Layla, and loving Bill, planning things with Brittney.
I can take control of my weight. Looking at myself in the mirror and seeing changes makes me want to continue.
This is a new start. I have a different attitude. I will do my best to not dwell on things. I will try and see me as a thriving woman, rather than used goods. I just need to redefine "thriving".
Instead of seeing the labels ... transplant or LVRS ... you will see labels for exercise, weight loss, and as always blog posts will just be daily life, maybe a few recipes in there too.
I am not being unrealistic. I know I will have moments of depression, that comes with my disease. But, I am learning to see the onset and get a grasp of it before it gets too far. I know I will still have times that the frustration peaks and I strike out. I do my best not too, but if I am being honest that's how it goes. Sadly Bill seems to get the biggest part of that.
I began this blog in February of 2010 and I had intended to just document a year. But to truly get an accurate picture of this illness you have to see the progression. That is the insidious part of this... is how it slowly almost without seeing it robs you of your existence. It leaves most house bound, tied to a machine, unable to walk or even shower themselves without assistance. I have seen the end of this disease. I have watched both parents die from it. It's ugly, it is cruel and it can get ahold of anyone who has damaged their lungs.
So... I will continue on with this blog far past the first year.
I have high expectations of 2011. I took about all I could take last year. This year is my year of acceptance. It's for me learning to live with copd instead of fighting against it.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Friday, January 14, 2011
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hi kelli, luv this new plan u are doing. grt idiea. u also did new wall paper to i see, niceeeee :)
well nothing like getting in the groove of things right haha well, i did the google account. so iam sure u will see more of me in here, I think its Impotant to have journal document ur health illness, i started that yrs ago and let it go.well looking forward to a new beggining as much as u. u hang in there and well talk soon. have a grt night. joanne. btw u mention something lvr, what is that if u dont mind me asking.
It is great to see you here Joanne.
LVRS is short for Lung Volume Reduction Surgery. They go in and remove 30% of each lung.
I am looking forward to seeing much more of you.
Hugs my friend,
Good for you, Kellie--your last blog entry is so positive. Life is for learning and I know I pulled myself out of the "muck" of 2010 to look forward to 2011...let's make it a great year! I chose another "cookbook" site so I could make my own "cover" but thank you so much for your direction--I didn't know such things were available for free on the internet! Onward and upward ♥ Savannah
Kellie, you are so brave to share your life in this way. I too have copd and am 9 days into my final quit. I wish you and yours all the best. Thanks for the invite into your life. I'll now see if I can figure out how to set up a google account. Again, thanks for sharing. John
I wish you much determination to continue being smoke free. You are welcome here anytime.
As for being brave.... Writing helps me as much as it does anyone reading it.
I am glad it shows people suffering they are not alone, and I like it when family members of those with Copd stop by. It really is a disease that doesn't show.
Slow, constant suffering is my description.
"slow, constant suffering is your description"???? Oh Kellie. Is there no alleviation? None? Not a breath's worth? Wearing a canula is one thing, feeling no reprieve is another. You're exercising. You're losing weight. You're achieving all sorts of things. Does none of that relieve any of your constant suffering? This truly pains my heart. I do not believe it. I think that was writ in a bad moment. You're a fighter. You have lows and highs and that statement was just in one of the trough periods. Don't go to that place in your mind. Shun it like you shunned craving thoughts. It does no good whatsoever. Be resolute in the positive. Easy to say I know. I often pass out words of wisdom that I can't hang onto myself. But...there you go. We can't help ourselves, it seems, but can help others every once in a while.
It's one thing to show people they are not alone in their suffering, it's another to spur them on to greater heights. Think about why you created this blog. To share you experience. Yes, the angst, the fear, the worry, the pain, the on-going life of living with the disease.
But don't you realize that you're a shining example of how to live DESPITE it? You're an inspiration. You're full of courage and fight. On top of all the rest. THAT'S what this blog is about. It's about teaching the rest of us how to be magnificent in dealing with what life hands us. Not just what living with COPD is about. You're detailing the experience, yes, but because of your beautiful spirit, you've become a teacher.
Suffering is part of what life hands us. But overcoming that suffering in all the ways we do by God's grace, is what makes us unique. You are unique. You are a beautiful creation. ....I'm FINALLY out of words... HA!
Oh Giulia,
I adore you. Yes, "slow constant suffering" is Copd.
Yes, I am more than the disease. We all are. And, yes I am just stubborn enough to keep on going.
You are far to kind. I cherish and look forward to your comments. They always lift me back up again.
My bigest challenge with this has been to accept the cannula, accept the tubing always with me, and feel whole despite it.
I appreciate your words. It is an odd feeling to think of myself as an inspiration. A shining example.
I feel like I am stumbling through this and doing my best to put in it into words.
Thank you again my friend.
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