Britt and I were going to have a birthday get together for Bill today. Just BBQ-ing some burgers, playing some cards, and the guys could play horseshoes since the weather is great right now.
Thursday night/Friday morning I woke up around 2:00 while letting our dog out and knew that I would be calling my doctor when I woke up Friday morning. By the time I woke up Friday whatever it was had gotten into my lungs. This time it didn't linger in my head as a cold it pretty much settled right into my lungs, my left lung to be more specific.
So, I called my Pulmonologist and by 10:00a.m. I was already taking my first dose of Prednisone (steroid) and Azithromycin (antibiotic).
So, needless to say we called everyone and told them the party was off and hopefully next weekend we could do it. His Birthday isn't until the 27th anyway.
So, I am mostly laying around. I will get online from time to time to play my silly facebook games but for the most part I am propped up with pillows in my bed or out in my favorite recliner just being jello.
I am going to try and do a little exercising this afternoon. Well, it's actually already afternoon... maybe later then .. I am thinking that if I can move around a little this may not settle into my lungs and I might keep it stirred up so I can cough and get rid of it.
I know, having my sinus's swollen makes it interesting using a nasal cannula. One side of my nose is not plugged and that's about all the O2 that I am getting. I am glad that I listened to my doctor and bought a oxi-meter so I can test my oxygen saturation and my pulse. My O2 has stayed around 90 and my heart rated while laying around is 98/105. I am not going to worry too much about my oxygen levels until it drops into the 80's and won't come up. I think if I remember correctly my doctor told me 85 and below to call her if it won't raise back up into the 90's.
All in all I just feel very weak, and I have a headache. Not so much sinus as in the back and sides. I am drinking a lot of chicken broth and sucking on butterscotch candies to coat my sore throat.
I'll post more later or tomorrow.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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Aw, awwww and awwwww. We (who are not in your straits) sit here thinking when we have a sinus problem or colds, it's the end of the world. (Well, that's a BIT of an exaggeration - unless your a man. Sorry, but TRUE! lol) For you, as you teach us, it's a whole different ball game. I find it interesting that you're so in tune with your body that you can actually specify which lung is being affected.
I'm a firm believer in working a cold - or whatever - out. When you give in to it, it seems to just be real happy with that scenario to sit there and linger on. I'm not advocating this. It depends upon your limitations. But, for me, the more I push my body, the sooner it heals. (In certain instances. If I keep abusing an inflamed tendon or muscle - no.) Our bodies are incredible self-healing machines. If we give them the chance to do so, they do their best.
Keep on Kid.
So sorry you're sick, Kellie! Sounds like you are doing all the right things--a prayer for you that you get rid of the infection quickly. With all that you've been doing to be "good" (diet, exercise), I hope your body can mend soon..keep up on the fluids..I drink a LOT of herbal/decaf green tea when I'm sick and it tastes so good...Savannah
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