I am glad to report I am still alive. LoL That is about all I can say about this cold/flu/lung infection... WHATEVER it is.
I have read, looked up and asked... and I still am not sure the difference. Or, maybe after a diagnoses of Emphysema and Copd they all turn into lung infections.
The flu tends to leave one achy and feverish and tired. However, the lack of oxygen because my lungs are full and my nose (where the cannula goes) is plugged... so that leaves me sluggish, and tired. What mucus that is coming out of my lungs is yellowish/green, which indicates infection doesn't it? It is also confusing.
I think sometime last night my fever broke. I know around 2:00 a.m. I woke up sweating really bad and then freezing. After an hour or so I just sweated it all out. Today I don't seem to have a fever except for when I jump on the trampoline. LoL I know that's a DUH thing! I have been trying so hard to keep my hour of cardio up during this. I can do about 15 minutes a time before my lungs hurt, and I have coughing fits, and my head starts to get hot and I get the shakes. This would probably tell most smart people to stop this behavior... LOL Not me!
Britt came over tonight and had dinner with us. I had her take my measurements even though I had gained 1.2 pounds on Tuesday. I was convinced that my legs and my hips and butt should be smaller because of the trampoline. I was not as confident of my upper body??
Well, I was right. I lost 1 to 2 inches since the 3rd of January off my bottom half. I either stayed the same or gained a 1/2 inch here or there on the top.
I need to go buy some free weights to help me with my upper body. I don't have the air or stamina to do push ups. Maybe after I work with the free weights a while I can work up to those.
I am happy to be losing my lower half though.
We are going out for Bills birthday dinner tomorrow. He suggested Chinese. I am trying to figure out what there I can eat that won't kill my diet. At any rate I am going to try and work out much more tomorrow and not eat until dinner. That will give me at least 800 calories for dinner, and if I go over it won't kill my progress for the week.
Last night I kept telling myself to go take my meds and go to bed. Nope... I stayed up and snack 400 calories worth. I still had a deficit for the day, but it wasn't close to my daily goal of 1k. So... today I am trying to catch up.
Seems like that's all I have been doing is playing catch up.
I had a confrontation with my step father via facebook messages. He reached out a arm to me and I cut it off. He wants me to be O.K. with his choice of a woman and I just never will be. I sent him a picture of him, my mom and I from a few years ago... and said... This is my family. What you are doing in my opinion is disrespecting my mothers memory. I did wish him much health and happiness though. LoL
I think that will be the last time I have any communication with him. And, that's O.K. with me. I feel good about speaking my peace to him and to wish him well.
I know this blog is jumping around a lot, and I apologize... that's how my head is working today. I have a primary care dr.'s appointment on Friday. I am hoping to hear news about the stress test I took. I will assume (even though I should know better than to do that lately) that it will be normal or nothing to worry about because I have not gotten a frantic call from the doctors.
I do still have tachycardia and it doesn't seem to be better with their medication. My pulse still hovers around 100 at rest and 130+ with any exertion. It doesn't bother me most the time, some times I do get light headed and shaky, but not often.
Beyond that, I want to talk to her about my bowels and lack of movement. It seems these days even laxatives aren't working for me.
That's about it.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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1 comment:
Hi, Kellie, yes, yellow/green mucus means infection--that's how I knew last year at this time I had a sinus infection and needed to go to the doctor...force fluids (low-sodium)...Lots! Can't believe you're still trying to exercise while fighting off an infection, but do what you need to do--my friend with lung disease has a lung infection, too, (she gets at least one every winter), and still drags herself to Aquatics at her pulminary rehab facility twice a week...just don't overdo it! Congrats on the inches loss--on the bottom half, no less--that is FANTASTIC! Hugs, Savannah
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