There have been a few times that being so "forth coming" about this process has been embarrassing, or shameful or uncomfortable for me to write.
I went to my pulmonologist's appointment today. He had heard from Seattle and they sent a list of requirements and tests they wanted me to have prior to visiting them.
The tests included but not limited to ...
An Echocardiogram
A High Resolution Ct Scan of my chest
A complete Pulmonary Function Test
A Blood Gas test without O2
He said there would probably be more blood work, but those tests are easily scheduled.
So, on the 23rd (in 8 days) I am scheduled to go @ 10 for the echo cardiogram and ct scan, then once I am finished there remove oxygen and wait 30 minutes then go to his office for the Pulmonary function test and the blood gas test.
He said I meet all requirements for LVRS and Transplant EXCEPT FOR ONE AREA ... MY WEIGHT!!!
He as politely as he could said he will take it upon himself to be "that" doctor that I will hate, and just tell me.... I am overweight. I need to lose weight in order to save myself. I sat there shaking my head agreeing with everything he said.
I have been going to Weight Watchers and losing slowly. Sometimes losing, sometimes gaining, always wanting to have big losses but going up and down. I have not eaten fast food, I have watched my fat intake and low calories. But what I hadn't done is exercise.
He told me today that even with my heart condition (which he will forward concerns about to my primary care doctor) I need to get up and move. He said even if I can only walk 15 minutes, then rest in between and walk 4 times a day for 15 minutes. I get it, I understand.
For people without this disease it would appear ridiculous that I cannot walk for periods of time. It seems ridiculous to me.
He said that in order to have the LVRS they would like me at a BMI of 32% and for Transplant at 32-30%.
So, he said they will want to see me. Go over all my tests with me and get familiar with my case as well as letting me get familiar with them and how they do things. He said he doubts they would do the surgery until I had significant weight loss.
So, I give up and give in. I will continue to go to Weight Watchers weekly and weigh in. The support system there is good for me. But tonight Brittney brought me over this calorie counting and calorie burning system she has been using. I wanted to get one but they are 200$ and I didn't want to spend the money.
She put it on my arm and told me she ordered me one and paid for 6 months worth of online support to go with it. When I get mine I will give this one back to her.
They are called the bodybugg (version 3) calorie management system. It uses body temp to keep track of calories burned. Then you plug it in to the computer at the end of each day and add what you have eaten and it tells you calories burned verses calories eaten.
You can set your own goals and it will calculate, and give you your daily calorie allowance.
I will keep you posted on how it works.
Being over weight to me is one thing. But being SO overweight that I do not qualify for surgery is something shameful.
I go to Weight Watchers tomorrow and I am hoping to see a loss. I didn't go last week so this weigh in will be for 2 weeks.
I am so tired tonight, but I will get on tomorrow and post some pictures of Christmas. I got energetic and put up our tree and decorated the house for Christmas.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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Kelly, I understand your frustration with weight, especially since exercise is so difficult for you my age (early 60's) the ONLY way I can lose weight is 1) count my calories every day and 2)exercise, EVERYTHING counts. Tracking my daily calories (being held accountable, even to myself) is the only way I am successful. And once you calculate the calories of some of the things you used to justify or just didn't know how many calories were really in it, it's an eyeopener! A weekend of emotional eating can destroy a week's worth of hard work, you probably know it takes 3500 less calories than what your body burns to lose just ONE pound, it's been easy for me to ADD 3500 calories in just a couple of is one of life's greatest pleasures, after all, at least for me :) I HAVE heard you can "blow" a large meal (like Thanksgiving) and, if you're really strict and EXERCISE you can make up for it the next day, because the extra calories will temporarily raise your metabolism...I know that's true if I'm at my optimal weight, but every binge (and I seem to want to "blow it" right after I've lost a little weight) when I'm trying to lose just prevents me from losing the weight I was going to lose the next day! Those fat cells are PERMANENT even if you lose weight, unless they are removed by liposuction, etc., and our bodies are built to return to their "norm"...e.g. your highest weight, I think I've read for at least 2-3 years. Sad, but true ...Hang in there, be glad you don't drink alcohol (tons of empty calories) and that you have your support system in place. Baby steps, and if you "blow it", don't beat yourself up (my favorite self-sabotage method :)and get back on track. Hang in there, you're on the right tract...I've learned I use carbohydrates to sooth myself and they do actually work that way on the brain...I really crave carbs in the winter months, so I have "comfort food" dinners if I'm wanting them...baked sweet potato (with a little butter, a little's need to eat fat with vegetables to enable your body to process the nutrients in the vegetables) with steamed spinach, bakes potato with steamed brocolli and my favorite during the "dark months", which I only allow myself when I'm going to go out and buy something REALLY bad --a big bowl of oatmeal with chopped apples, brown sugar, almond milk and a little butter...I count all the calories, of course :) Here I am, giving you advice, I need to lose another 12-15 pounds, but I'm on the right track, and you are, too. Emotional eating is our enemy! Hugs, Savannah
You keep at it I KNOW you will do it ... quiting smoking has added lbs to all of us and they say after about 1 year it gets better to get the extra weight off I have lost a big 12 lbs and gained 5 back but I keep trying .. Let me know how your new machine works sounds neat. If I weight less I know I would breath better so I like you keep trying ... But look YOU HAVE TO DO so like quiting smoking GET IT DONE I KNOW YOU CAN ! HUGS
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