I was thinking today about this time last year. Bill and Layla and I going to feed our ducks and walking around canister free. We walked or got outside nearly everyday.
What a difference a year makes. I often wonder what would I be like today had I not quit smoking 522 days ago? I can't imagine putting anything in my lungs, even cold air will make me panic. I look back at the holidays last year and I want that me back. Of course then I thought I was damaged beyond repair ... little did I know of the downward slide that would take place. I can see the evil-ness of this disease. It slowly almost unknowingly steals your breath, energy and independence.
I can remember last November being able to take walks, dress without being out of breath, clean house (if I didn't use harsh smelling cleaning products), walking from room to room, taking a shower without the need for oxygen.
I am not sure when it happened, I didn't notice waking up one day and not being able to do something, but it happened.
Now when I shower I lose my breath, when I get dressed I am breathless and exhausted by the time I'm done. Cleaning house now takes me all day just to vacuum and dust ... a chore that used to take me an hour. I can no longer walk for any distance or period of time. Strangely though I can walk pushing a shopping cart. I think that is because of my oxygen canister being in my purse and being so heavy to lug around.
I can only imagine what I would be like in another year? With some luck I will have this lung volume reduction surgery and it will go smoothly and I will be able to see an improvement. That would be nice.
Suddenly I am finding it impossible to keep my eyes opened. I guess it's time to go take meds and go to bed.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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Hi, Kellie. Are you having a lung volume reduction before lung transplant? God bless.
Kellie I was just thinking the same thing you posted what all I could do last year that has changed this year and feeling sorry for myself then I remembered I am aging so I will slow down ... I am not a young thing like you.
Funny because of my asthma etc at 45 I think I was worse than I am now except I have aged and that makes a difference. YOu keep hanging in there ... enjoying hearing your daily events so glad Bill got your lights up my hubby says it is so cold and has very little up outside hope he can do some today I know we are older and do not have to do as much by we have a manger sene I think he is just going to spot light it instead of all the work pluging in each piece. I love Christmas like you. Over the years I have spend many in bed and this year I was able to shop etc feels so nice I am so grateful for this year and pray we have many more.
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