First my appointment was supposed to be a "well woman" check up. You know going over mammogram results, pap smear.. the usual. I knew something was up as soon as my doctor walked in and said we will have to reschedule my WW appointment until next month because we had other issues to talk about.
Last year evidently (I wasn't aware of it) when I had my first contrast CT scan a nodule showed up on my Thyroid. A month or so ago I had another contrast CT scan to look at further damage to my lungs, and this time the nodule caught the attention of my Pulmonologist. He sent a note to my primary doctor and said this needs to be addressed. So... after talking to her about it I am concerned, but honestly at this point it is Just One More Thing!! So, I am kind of letting it roll off my shoulders until there are results of some kind. I am scheduled to go in on the 21st for a ultra sound and then they will schedule a biopsy or removal with a surgeon. It is located in a spot that is not easily accessible (go figure, something being difficult where my medical issues are concerned!! Lol). She went over the likely results. That a cyst is most often non cancerous because it is liquid filled, but nodules are a solid mass. Anyway.. It's just one more thing, and I am not thinking about it or dwelling on it until I need to.
However, Also while there she took my oxygen levels and my pulse rate. Once again my resting pulse rate ranged from 94-107 and when I increased my oxygen to 5 (the max) and walked around the building my oxygen levels dropped to 78 and my pulse rated went up to 140. Not acceptable. So... Whenever I am doing ANYTHING I have on the cannula and raise it to 5 liters per minute, then while I am sleeping I still keep it on level 3 otherwise my cannula makes a whistling noise that would keep anyone awake. Even the dogs take off running! LoL My concerns are that I am now realizing is that my concentrator at home max's out at 5 liters and my portable small tanks max's out at 5.... So then what??? Does that mean that I will just have to watch my oxygen levels drop and do nothing to stop it? Will I have to further limit my activity...which if I limit it any further I may as well stay in bed! Will that be the time they start lung volume reduction surgery? That is what scares me these days.
I decided to update my profile pictures on facebook, and my Friends site... Why not show my reality. There it is in all it's glory. I am finding that I can't wear my pretty long necklaces anymore, they get tangled in the cannula tubing and feel like the are choking me. Also, I can't wear dangly earrings anymore because the cannula rips them out. So for the most part I am just me, what you see is all there is.
What we see is all there is? I think not. I think there's a whole lot more we don't see, beautiful Kellie. You don't need any adornments, your spirit is adornment enough. It gleams brighter than any manmade jewel. Why don't you start a line of designer cannulas and oxygen bottles? They could come in different colors to match outfits. They could become all the rage. Heck people wear nose rings these days to begin with, your nose ring is just another style!
Kellie, I am so sorry you are dealing with one medical issue on top of another...and then you post a recipe with a beautiful are an amazing and beautiful woman, your spirit shines through..Stay of my best friend's favorite quotes is "It's a good life if you don't weaken"..I do believe that becomes more and more true as we age...Take good care, Savannah...
I love you Kellie! Always<3
Kellie, thank you for sharing this on the COPD Friends for Friends on Facebook. You are an inspiration! By sharing you relate to the rest of us going through this, as well as family and friends. It's healthy that you are able to open up and hopefully it's a way of healing, the spirit if not more. Giulia said come up with designer cannulas, etc... go for it, you would make all of our lives brighter! :) Thank you for letting us see you!
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