This is a letter that was posted on a quit smoking site that I joined to quit smoking once I was diagnosed. It touched me so much I wanted to post it here.
Dear Kellie,
August 27, 2010 by pir8fan Comments (9)
You don't know me, and I don't know you, but I sure would like to meet you! I have read your words and marveled at your courage for a while now! I look around and see so many with so much to be thankful for who "try" to quit smoking! We sit around our keyboards and pat each other on the back and talk about how hard it is to quit! We do not discuss the hardships associated with not quitting! Those reallties are a little too scary to talk about! Where is our courage?
Then we come to you! In an open and frank discussion of your real life, you force, us to look into the mirror. And often we turn away, at a loss for words. How hard it must be to spend your life trying to divert us from the trap you fell into, and seeing the indifference to your warning! Yet you summon up another snifter of courage, and and battle on. You struggle for everyone of us, in a tireless manner, and never looking for anything in return! I wish I had something to offer you, besides my unwavering respect! That and this salute to true courage!
One day we shall all take our last breath before we go and stand before our Maker. Shakespear said thru the words of Jullis Caesar " Cowards die many times before their death, but the valiant taste of death but once." I pray that we might all face our future with the courage you display everyday. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you face each new challenge. Forever, Tommy
hear! hear!
Dawn 2 days ago
well said! Thanks
onvacation 2 days ago
Thank-you for including us in this moving letter to this awesome woman!
LaurieA 2 days ago
Tommy - You are such a dear man! Thank you for this beautiful letter to Kellie. I have always said that I can't even imagine how difficult this journey of quitting would be if I wasn't in the best of health. Those who do it amaze me...those who do it and help others do it - have "true courage" as you said! Thank you!
Strudel 2 days ago
I feel privileged to be part of this letter. God bless Kellie and her efforts to help save others from the ugly truths of the effect of smoking. Everyday I see more and more people here that have been touched by her and there lives forever changed for the bettter. I have no doubt many lives will be saved because of her courage. Thanks Tommy for your beautiful touching tribute.
marie Burgess 2 days ago
Very powerful. Everyone needs to read what she has to say. I dare anyone to feel sorry for themselfs afterwards. God bless this dear woman.
daisy 2 days ago
I came in this morning and saw this, looked away, started reading, stopped, and then through teary eyes finished reading it. It took me a little longer to be able to read the comments.
Why is it that hearing nice things is more difficult than hearing the bad? Thank you for the beautiful words, it is humbling, As much as you say I have helped someone else, I feel they have helped me. Anyway, I am trying to find of a nice way to show my appreciation and how much it means to hear such nice and kind words.... I am just stumbling. Thank you too <3 br="br">
Kellie yesterday
I went back and read my blogs today and noticed that the very first day I quit, on my very first blog, the very first person to reply is our dear Kellie!!! <3 br="br">
Dawn yesterday
Mom, I love you and this sweet man Tommy has made it clear what an incredible woman you are and what strength you have. Through all of this pain and sadness there will come happiness. You helped me be the strong woman I am today so I know with the strenth and power in you, you will make it through this and help people along the way. I love you and I am glad others are seeing what we've seen all along! You are my strength... You are my world... I love you!
Brittney yesterday

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Tuesday, September 18, 2012
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Great site for helping those who need to quit. I did so 4 years ago when my little one was born. It got much easier for me after the 1 year mark. God Bless and keep up the great blog.
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