Drum Roll please...................... I lost 2.8 pounds. If you are keeping track that is 4.8 in 6 weeks. Not exactly on track, but I will take any loss at this point. My weight loss counter must round up to the next # because it reads 5 pounds.
I had Brittney come over yesterday and take my measurements and I am still pretty close to what I was in August except my hips seem to have a mind of their own?!?! I will hopefully be able to whittle those down on the trampoline.
We have 2 more days of decent weather, then I am afraid Winter will arrive. We have had frost already. Bill (bless his heart) goes out every morning and night and covers and uncovers our tomatoes. I think by this Friday we will be done with them. I am enjoying them right down to the last cherry tomato this year.
I have been slicing them in half into a bowl then covering them with (reduced fat) feta and salt and pepper and eating them like desert! LoL
I did not walk Priscilla today and all day she let me know it. She would do laps.... up onto the couch and down the other side... out the front door to the gate.... back into the house and up onto the couch and repeat, and repeat, and repeat!!!!
I know now this winter we will have to find somewhere to walk her. Or get her used to walking on Britt and Fernando's tread mill. Yeah... she can run the tread mill while Britt and I drink coffee and chat! lol I just can never see that happening.
I realized with Priscilla's actions today that tomorrow is a must for a nice long walk. Our last walk was cut short because of that barking dog and our uphill battle, so she is in need of a good "take the breath out of you walk".
I will walk her downtown tomorrow. When we walk there she has no grass to lay in until we get half way to the finish line, there she can lay down and rest. Once she laid down sprawled out on the sidewalk and people just walked around her... when she gets tired no matter where she is she just plops! lol
So, Bill went over today and took all our ladders and helped Fernando put their Christmas lights up. Tomorrow Fernando is coming here to help Bill with ours. Britt and I decided (the guys hate it when we "decide" things!) that it would be much easier to put them up now instead of when it is cold, wet and snowing.
It has been another day for me to struggle getting air in. I am so tired. It's time to take my meds and call it a night.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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