Saturday I decided I would take charge of the day. Bill had been working around the house doing projects that we have talked about for a year or more, and I can't do much but clean up and sit on my butt... So...
Saturday I suggested we take Priscilla and go for a walk on the nature trail that we used so much last year. We got there just early enough for the morning fog to still be laying on the water and it to be cool. It was beautiful and the smell of nature just made me feel good for the first time in a long time. Of course, once I got about half way around I needed to stop for a while and rest. But I loved it. We left there and went to the Saturday market and strolled through. This will be the last Saturday market this year.
Of course everyone wants to stop and pet Priscilla and we really don't mind and she LOVES the attention.
While we were talking to one of the vendors I noticed a green pumpkin. Kind of light green... so I had to buy it. The lady told me they had a pumpkin patch and gave me a flyer.
Layla was spending Saturday night with us, so I surprised her with a trip to get some pumpkins.
Here are Saturdays pictures....
Then this morning Layla and I took Priscilla to another one of my favorite walks. We walked along the lake while Layla played on the playground equipment. It is so peaceful down there and just beautiful. I really do live in a glorious place.
Priscilla and I walked our 3 laps which is 1.3 miles and then we drove through the park and went back home. I made it home just in time to lock myself in the house for the rest of the day because neighbors are burning. I used to love that smell every year. It always reminded me of cool fall afternoons when everyone was cleaning up their yards. Now... it is my nemesis.
Here are the pictures of this mornings walk and our beautiful parks.
Beautiful huh? I just love Fall. I think Fall and Spring are my favorite times of year. They both mean change and almost like a fresh start.
I have done better (I hope, these days I never really know) on my eating healthy and I have been walking nearly every day. I have jumped on my trampoline at least 30 minutes a day.... 15 minutes twice. It really depends, the days when I walk Priscilla for any length of time I only jump in the mornings.
Any physical exertion takes so much out of me these days. I just can't do much. I can really see a change in the last 4 months. I know I have said that recently, but this decline I can really tell. Many more declines like this and I'll be chair bound and in those riding carts at the store. I can barely stand the thought.
I am in NO way giving up and I won't relent easily. I can just see the down side. Some days I just take it with a grain of salt, and other days it worries me how fast things are changing. I feel like I am on a ride and like it or not I will see it through.
I had a great weekend anyway.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Sunday, October 16, 2011
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I usually don't comment on blogs but this blog inspired me to make one compliment.
Your pictures are beautiful and now when I read your blogs, I can picture you walking along your paths! I'm glad you had such a lovely weekend, you deserve it.
Thank you Herbal. That means a lot to me. Sometimes I write and because of the nature of this disease which is mainly what I write about, I always feel like I am whining or complaining all the time... and that's the last thing I want to do. So... Thank you.
Thank you for your comment. I really am lucky to live in such a pretty place. There are draw backs though. We live at 4200 feet above sea level which means the air is thin anyway, and then add the bitter cold of winters and it literally takes my breath away. Also in the summer because our elevation is so high when the weather gets over 90 the air becomes really stale and hard to take in. I don't know of any where that doesn't have some kind of air issues.... So... yes, I love to be able to walk in such beautiful surroundings. Hugs to you.
Glad you had such a good weekend i absolutely love your blogs they are so honest and frank-thankyou for sharing.I also have C.O.P.D its such a nasty and cruel illness i am 45 and have had it for 14 years now.Reading your blogs make me feel like i am not so alone so once again thankyou xxx
I am glad that you enjoy reading my blogs. I know that this disease is ugly and sneaky and hidden. I think sometimes that's the worst is that you can feel your worse and no one realizes it. Hugs to you and I hope your Copd allows you to get out once in a while and enjoy the things you love.
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