Yesterday I set my alarm clock for 6:30, got up and drank coffee and then got in the shower to try and wake up.
I got my oxygen bottle changed, my cannula on with the bladder in it for an extra boost when needed, got my backpack ready and off we went.
We of course got there early (this drives Bill crazy) because I have this thing about being late for anything. It was a pretty cold morning so we sat inside the SUV and waited for everyone else to arrive. And then (also like normal) I had to go to the bathroom so we drove to a nearby gas station. When we got back most everyone was there.
We would be walking on a bike/pedestrian path that runs through the city. We had mapped off a 3.1 mile walk. We would walk one way for half of it, then turn around and walk back to our cars.
So off we went. One of my friends at Weight Watchers decided to walk with us. I had warned her that I walk at a snails pace and she was fine with that. For about 1/2 a minute we kept up with the group, then I looked at Janice and Bill and told them I needed to slow way down. Before too long the group was almost out of site.
I would walk as far as possible, then stop to catch my breath and let my heart rate slow down some, then start up again. We hadn't even reached a quarter of the way and the group was already on their way back.
But I kept it up. Soon after we turned around to walk back my lungs began to burn and with every breath my chest had the worse stabbing pain in it! Bill told me he could go get our vehicle and come and get me. Nope, I was going to finish this.
It took us 1 hour and 45 minutes to finish the 5K. I finished it!
I came home and took some pain meds, turned up my O2 to get my saturation level back up and slept for 2 hours.
It's doubtful I will walk another one. But, I am glad that I finished. I think had Janice not been with us I may have quit, or took longer. I would have stopped more often and for a longer time. And, I probably should have. I always think I have to prove something, I don't know why?!
Anyway... today is going to be a do nothing kind of day. Maria (a friend of ours) is coming over at 1:00 just to visit. Maybe we will play a few games of cards or just sit and visit, I dunno?
Maybe we will take her and go down and feed our ducks?

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Sunday, May 22, 2011
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1 comment:
You wouldn't be you, Kellie, unless you walked the whole 5K. Wouldn't surprise me at all if you bloody well CRAWLED to that finish line if you had to! lol You need to keep proving that you're a superwoman. We all know you are, of course - you just haven't figured it out yet. Glad at least you had sense to haul Bill with you. (Smile) Going for the triathlon next?
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