I was going to skip today's weigh in. I told myself all week as I ate birthday cake for Bill, and bread and butter, and pasta and you name it... I probably ate it ... So, I told myself for my birthday I would skip weigh in and work harder this week to make up for it.
But... it made me feel like a cheater. I went this morning. I held my head up and got on the scale and gained 4 (FOUR) pounds. Holy SHIT!! I thought 2 maybe 2 "." point something..... but never would I have thought 4 pounds.
But then, I wasn't doing any exercises because of the "episode" I had. And, I was still on the steroids... LOL look at me makin excuses for myself!
I am back up to the 200 mark. I promised myself NEVER to be there again.
I came home (didn't stay for the meeting) went through the refrigerator and cupboards ... watched Bill wince as I threw out goodies. Then I went shopping, stocked the house back up with veggies, chicken breasts, fruit and low calorie-low carb bread... and whole wheat pasta.
I am back to square one with myself. No second and third chances here. I went back on the trampoline. Doing short spurts at a time ... 5-15 minutes.
I re calibrated my bodybugg arm band and to keep myself on target for my 150 pound goal by the middle of June, I now have to hold a 1300 and above caloric deficit each day instead of my 1,000. Which doesn't sound like a lot, but those 300 calories are hard to give up.
This mostly means I am forced to deal with my late night eating habit.
I bought seedless grapes and measured them into 1 cup containers, and I bought Quaker Peanut Butter chewy snacks, and Quaker White Cheddar Cheese Rice Cakes to satisfy that late night sweet or salty need of mine.
I am feeling better. I have to let you in on a little secret... the other night when I had that chest pain scared me pretty bad. I watch myself very close now when I am exercising, and if I start to get dizzy I stop for a while. If I have the slightest pain in my lungs or chest I quit.
I think some of that was the fact that I was out in extreme air quality. It was so sunny and as everyone knows when you live in snow country by February any sun shine is glorious! Well, I learned my lesson. With my breathing issues I will have to watch those days. We have them pretty often here actually. We will have them again in the Spring when people start burning Fields and tree trimmings..,. then again in the summer if there are any forest fires burning around us, and then again in the fall when people start using their fire places and the Fields are getting burned off again.
Crap.... looks like bad air quality is year around. LOL Why hadn't I even thought about that before? Why would I?

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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Kelly, I'm going to be honest with you...to lose 50 pounds by June I think is unrealistic...you need to eat at least 1500 calories on a long term "diet" to not throw off your metabolism and put your body into "starvation" mode...I've lost weight on 1200 cal/day but always gained it back and more...just my opinion :) Savannah
I have lived my life by my mothers
"Everything in moderation"
Apart from cigarettes it has worked fine for me so far.
Like Savannah says..I think you are setting yourself up to fail. This is not realistic with someone who is not in the peak of health and fitness.
Better to concentrate on eating healthily and graze on 5 small meals a day rather than 3 larger ones.
I have the opposite problem to you. I have little to no appetite and have to force myself to eat enough to stay healthier. If I eat too much I start to feel physically ill. You might say I am lucky. It doesn't feel like that when I see my skin hanging off my bones...not a good look anymore than someone being fat is.
Try to aim for that happy medium and you won't go far wrong.
You are doing fine. xx
Try not to get too upset about the 4 pounds. You can't discount things like water retention. Also, if you had some salty things over the weekend, that extra pounds could just be water weight. It will come back off once you eat your normal things again.
I agree that two larger sized meals are more difficult for your body than several smaller meals. Your body mostly runs in starvation mode and stores food if you skip meals. If you have a constant level of moderate calories weight loss will happen easier. Skipping meals just makes you store vs. burn.
IMHO, Eat breakfast and don't skip meals. While skipping meals may help you lose weight in the beginning, it fails in the long run. Skipping meals may make you feel too hungry later in the day, causing you to overeat at your next meal.
Best wishes, and we are all rooting for you in this weight battle.
another little tip I heard for staying full longer is to chew slower and savour every mouthful.. not sure about the science behind why but apparently it has an affect on the appetite. Also chewing on an apple will keep you full longer.
hope these were of some use.
I am the worst to give advice regarding diets. Never ever had to be on one and now suddenly in my old age I'm am becoming a blimp. Seems to me all the advice given is really really good as I've heard it too many times before. So it MUST be right. I am one who has a cup of coffee and eats a cookie for breakfast and then eats lunch at 5 pm. Starvation menu. Body stores it all up. Lose NOTHING. Hard to change patterns. But that's what it takes. Eating late at night, they say, is the worst for you because you can't work off the calories. I don't snack at night like you, but I eat my full, humongous dinner two to three hours before bed. Bad. BAD. If I figure out how to change my pattern, I'll let you know. If you figure out how to change yours - let ME know. When one has already changed some major features about their lifestyles, one becomes a bit reluctant to carry on in that mode. Because IT'S TOO HARD. But - if we want to achieve our goals, then...so it must be done. One step at a time. And yeah, certain monks chew each mouthful a hundred times before swallowing. I've tried that (for about two bites) It give you a whole new appreciation of your food and your body.
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