Let me catch you up to date now that I have my computer back. It's nice to have a laptop... but I get so tired of typing and then suddenly having everything disappear.
My primary doctor, I mentioned...went on maternity leave. She had her baby (a boy) on Thanksgiving. She won't be back to work until the latter part of January. In the meantime I had one of her referral appointments with the gynecologist. It was regarding my bladder leakage and basic pain in that area. After a lengthy discussion and question and answer period and exam, he scheduled a trans vaginal ultrasound. It will be this Thursday. Evidently my Uterus is enlarged and there is a mass growing on it.
He had me bring home what he calls a "hat". It's use is No Where near the head. You urinate in it and measure the intake (or is it out-take?). For 3 days I had to keep track of each time urine leaked, everything I drank, and how much I went to the bathroom.
I was so happy to throw the "hat" away. I mailed the results to him and I am sure after this Thursday's ultra sound he will call me after Christmas for a follow up. He did say that if surgery was required he was sure it wouldn't be until after the first of the year. Which, is just fine with me.
Also, I am not sure if you remember but this summer I had a cyst removed on my shoulder. I went to the walk-in clinic today with anther one that is infected between my cleavage. I had my doctor in July try to get permission from my insurance company to remove both of them at the same time and they said no because the chest one was not infected.
It makes no sense to me that they wait until it is inflamed and causing pain before they will remove it. So, I have antibiotics for a week and then I am supposed to go back if it hasn't drained or went away. It is hard as a rock and the size of a dime, so I am thinking it's not going anywhere.
See????? I have so much wrong. My body at about age 35 decided to turn against me.
I told the nurse today as she was trying to look over my records that I am used to the Copd and Emphysema. I can handle the oxygen and all the meds.... but it's the little things now that drive me crazy. It's like one more little tiny thing wrong that just is too much. She said she had cancer and chemo a few years ago and knows exactly how I feel. It made me feel better to know I wasn't being a cry baby.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
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