I told you I was going in for an MRI a little while back and that I was waiting for results. That the tech had told me they found a spot on my bladder that they would surely be contacting me for an ultra sound for.... well.....
I had my Primary Care Doctor appointment on Thursday. She went over the MRI and said there is nothing listed there for my bladder. They did however find a spot about the size of a walnut on my left breast on the other side of the breast that got the last lump out of. She did an exam and said that she couldn't feel it and most likely it is just a sebaceous cyst. My Pulmonologist (who order the MRI in the first place) for two days has been trying to get a hold of me and finally today said... they wanted me to talk to my PCD (primary care doctor) and be sure to tell her the importance of getting this checked out. My Doctor today said that she will call the Radiologist and talk to them about it.
As for my chest pain... yep, it's still there. Only meds to try and relieve it somewhat. They are ruling things out and then will try drug therapy until they get it under control.
They say (Primary care Dr. and Pulmonologist) that it's hard to pin point chest pain when people have lung and heart issues. They both cause the same symptoms and one mimics the other.
I went back to Weight Watchers today... so every Tuesday now whether I like it or not I will be posting my weight. I was so excited to be back on the program I came home today and drank a bunch of water, went for a walk with Bill and Priscilla and then came home and while Bill and Priscilla slept...I ate cake! GEEZE!!
I did bounce for 9 minutes on the trampoline along with my little walk downtown, so I did get some exercise. It is already 5:40 and Bill is across the street helping a neighbor build a chicken coop so I am not doing dinner. We can have fresh veggies and whatever he can dig up. lol
I have a gazillion and three tomatoes all ripening at once. I love them and try so hard not to let them go to waste. I have made salsa and still have pounds that I still need to do something with. Maybe tomorrow I will go buy some more lids and can some peeled tomatoes. I love them in the winter in soup.
As for Priscilla, she is a doll. She seems to understand she was brought here to keep my spirits up. She is never far away from my feet. I can't tell you how many times I have cooked dinner with one foot on each side of her. lol
I mentioned the fires that are burning around us making our air in the afternoon just terrible.
Here are pictures of a quick rain storm with the smoke lingering under a rainbow. And, pictures of Priscilla and my tomatoes.
Priscilla's vet visit went very well. She has lost 13 pounds in 6 weeks bringing her weight to 77 pounds and perfect for her size and breed. None of her injuries will be long lasting and she will heal up perfectly. She was such a good dog during the exam and shots. She just brings smiles where ever she goes. I made an appointment to get her spayed next month.
As for my weight... (thought I would get away without adding it huh>?! lol) ... I weighed in today at 201.2. That means at my lowest weight in May I have gained 11.2 pounds.
Here we go again. I have my body bugg back on. I am hoping just to capture exercise and calories burned. As for the Weight Watcher program, I am going to try and follow it this time. I always end up using the basics there and common sense, with a hint of cheese. LOL
Maybe by next Spring I will be close. I am not giving myself any deadlines this time. I have enough to do. I just want to live each day and not worry about squeezing 5 pounds off in a week, or stressing because I gained a pound. This is my re-dedication to becoming healthy again. It's amazing how much I can feel those 11 pounds.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

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Your tomatoes are BEAUTIFUL! I'm jealous. The bugs got most of ours. - And the more I see of Priscilla the funnier I think her name is. - Boy, you aren't kidding about the fires. Great smokey rainbow shots.
So the tech doesn't know the difference between a bladder and a breast? hmmmmm. Guess that's why it's always important to wait for the radiology reader to send the results. I wonder if they can read palms too? lol
I'll bet taking the weight off will also enable you to breathe easier. SO STOP EATING CAKE!! And where's that salsa recipe? Or is it somewhere below, like on page 257? If it's not too complicated even I might try it.
LOL I have missed your comments. Your wit brings a smile to my face. I will get on here tomorrow and post my salsa recipe...it's one of those that I kind of make up and taste as I go. I am still canning tomatoes. Just as they ripen I will do a couple pints or quarts. Hopefully by the time the season is over I will have enough to use this winter. They are so good in soups and sauces. Hugs to you my dear friend.
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