On the 25th I had surgery on my thyroid. I went in at 9:00 like scheduled. Surgery was supposed to be at 10:30. As I was waiting for 10:30 to roll around they came in and said there had been an emergency and my surgery wouldn't begin until 1:30. Well, that's fine however I was STARVING because I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since 8:00 the night before, and they wouldn't allow me to get up and move about. I was in a hospital gown and had a IV started so they wanted me to lay there. Since my back surgery years ago I have a big problem laying in one spot for any length of time before my back begins to hurt and my restless leg thing begins to bother me. So, those last 2 hours prior to going in for surgery were terrible. Bill and Britt got to wait with me. I kept telling them they could leave and come back after my surgery was over but they are just as stubborn as I am and so they stayed.
Surgery was fairly quick, I think it was only an hour and a half. He did not have to remove my thyroid, just the nodules and he said he did some scraping of a few areas just to make sure he didn't leave anything behind. He said pathology came back clear on the nodules but he didn't like the looks of things. I will make an appointment with him today and go in for a follow up in about 10 days. I was home yesterday by about 3:00 in the afternoon and for the most part went to bed.
Here is how it looked this morning.............
After surgery it hurt pretty bad. Mostly muscular it seemed, and when I would try and raise up out of bed and strain those muscles. I got sick the night after surgery. I think it was from the anesthesia. So, I was on a liquid diet after that. Finally yesterday afternoon right before they released me to come home I ate a turkey sandwich and some soup.
Today I am not nearly as sore. I still cannot turn my head very well, and my voice sounds like Bea Arthur (Dorothy on the golden girls, or Maude). It is tender when I swallow. I expect this only to last a few days. The voice and throat. All in all, it went smooth.
He said he left the thyroid and just took the nodules out. Then scraped a few areas. He actually said he "was not kind" to a few places in my throat. He said there were suspicious looking areas that he "took care of".
Layla came to see me the first night, and while there lost her first tooth while chewing gum. It became quite an event and she ended up having her tooth carried home in a urine specimen container (new of course!). She told her mom she wanted to go right home and to bed so the tooth fairy would come. LOL She said she would always remember losing her tooth the same day grandma got her throat cut. LoL!!! She is so darned cute!
I started to get congestion in my chest the morning after surgery. I did my best to cough it out, but coughing with my throat sore didn't work very well. Last night when I went to bed I noticed again when I laid down that my chest would begin to get phlegm in it. Today I have coughed (ouch) and nothing is coming up, and it doesn't seem bad ... but anytime my chest rattles makes me nervous.
I am thinking if I still have the feeling of something in my chest tomorrow I may call my Primary Care Dr. and ask her if I should possibly get a series of steroids and antibiotics? I just would hate to get a chest infection now. I have done so well since I quit smoking about not getting a chest cold, or pneumonia. There was only one time I started running a little fever with green mucous in my nose that they doctor told me ... Anytime you feel like you are getting Anything respiratory to call them for antibiotics and steroids.
So, I was going to blog about this before, then got side tracked, then had surgery and forgot. A couple blogs ago I got a strange message from an anonymous person. It made me think I was whining, or stating incorrect facts or something? Maybe I am just being overly sensitive... it just wasn't my usual comments, and almost personal or something. It's the first time any one's comments ever bothered me or made me question myself ... Just left me with an odd feeling.

Did you know: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is our longest word. What does it mean? As i live and breathe. This blog will take you through a journey of two women. The first being weak, sick and dying. The second (and my favorite) being born again with a renewed spirit and the receiver of true Divine healing.
Walking into a new and brighter life.

The healthy me

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This I know.................

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
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Kellie..I absolutely hate seeing you this way! You are so selfless to blog these events in your life, other's can learn from you and also be inspired by you. I don't like the statements your doctor made, hopefully you can let us know soon as to what he meant. I am praying for you and I love you so much! You are not alone..remember that! and Layla is hysterical!!!<3
why does that say anonymous..did i click the wrong thing! ANNOYING!!
I am not sure why sometimes it puts up anonymous and other times no??
Nancy... I am so used to myself looking like this (minus the throat thing). I have purple rings under my eyes from just being so tired all the time. My curly hair is long gone and now is straight as a bone and lifeless, I think from my heart medication. This just is me these days. Some days I can recognize an old part of me, and other days not so much.
I feel confident with the surgeon who did my thyroid, and I am sure I will find out all I need to when I go back to see him. For all I know he may have told me and I was doped up. LOL
I feel a lot better tonight. Tired, but not quite so sore and not quite so hoarse.
It's almost like I can just go back to dealing with the daily Copd rather than all this other added stuff.
I am hoping to find out about transplant next month. At least find out when I might expect to go to the Unversity of Washington for an interview and exam to be considered.
Btw... I am on facebook... not sure why you can't find me. I have never left. Still there under Kellie Rice
Kellie you express what you are going thru so well .. I am thankful you can do this it helps so many people . I relate to much of what you express and I am sure others do also it helps me I am not a good writter to express my feelings so it is helpful to me to follow how strong you are staying .. I am doing better myself .. Who ever that anonymous person was PLEASE just let it go there are always people who try to make others feel bad YOUR BLOG IS A GREAT THING .. I just wish you were bloging about good health God Bless
Thank you Linda. <3 That was the first comment I had gotten that was out of place. It just took me by surprise.
I am so glad to hear you are better. If Copd were something viable I would kick it's ass! LoL
I haven't been a religous person for quite some years. Well, I believe and I pray... but I keep my relationship with the big guy private, I am not much into organized religion. So, me saying this is huge.
I think god puts people on our paths at certain times to help us stay the course, or keep us from falling.
The Ex site and the AMAZING friends I have met there have kept me going forward and give me strength.
I look at my friend Nancy who lost a child and I don't think I would be strong enough to get through that. But, see... I think people are stronger than they think they are.
I am so glad that you find comfort in this blog. It gives me a purpose to push through the times I want to stop.
Love you and thanks for being such a good friend... You too Nancy.
Re that strange anonymous post: when I read it I thought a couple of things. 1) it sounded like a foreigner, 2)I wondered that they thought you were not right about - needing a transplant? Getting your house in order? I took it actually as a positive sign. "I am assured." I thought, what? do they have a direct pipeline to God? Is this your guardian angel speaking? I took it to mean assured that you were gonna be just fine. So how's THAT for an interpretation. It's all in how we look at things, ain't it?
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